Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

There were two misfires on the prop gun on Saturday and one the previous week, the person said, adding “there was a serious lack of safety meetings on this set.”

I was looking at some of these drugs recently, and the craziest thing is the sheer size of the molecules. I’m not sure I remember ever seeing 3-digit subscripts when studying organic chemistry, certainly never 4 or 5.

Common drugs and other organic compounds seem to be mostly pretty simple. Random examples:
Oxycodone: C18H21NO4
Amoxicillin: C16H19N3O5S
Dopamine: C8H11NO2

But Pembrolizumab (Carter’s immunotherapy drug) has more than 10,000 hydrogen atoms:

Others are similar:
Ipilimumab: C6742H9972N1732O2004S40
Nivolumab: C6362H9862N1712O1995S42

I mean I know atoms are small, but it almost seems like these monsters should barely be able to fit in a vein! :wink:

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i can see it hitting two people if the prop gun diverts the gasses on both sides. especially if the two crew were both close to baldwin to setup the shot

Those are entire antibodies, I think.

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Is there any chance that this was some kind of setup? Maybe somebody knew who would be firing the gun and sabotaged the gun?


Capital plays for keeps.

Which Baldwin character would best fit the villain here?

no safety meetings and a new crew? No need to have a conspiracy when simple incompetence could explain it 99% of the time.

tits metric is for bra sizes?

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Since the gun had misfired before it could have been a Wile E Coyote situation where they were banging on it and waving it around to show it wasn’t working when it finally went off. More of a hangfire than misfire.

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but i do, i just read the Jacques Tits wiki.

@TheDuker this is correct. They are synthetic or semisynthetic antibodies. The naming convention -mab is for monoclonal antibody. Other parts of the name are described here:

Used to be named human/mouse/etc source, but apparently not how it’s done anymore which is new to me.


I did when I lived there. Don’t think I could do it now that I’m no longer acclimated to it.

Since I don’t think there’s a ton of interest, I’ll just put my infrequent PHX TR posts here.

Traditional first meal at Lolo’s Chicken and Waffles:

Pan has begun and I have yet to win a hand


1 demerit for chicken breast. Obviously, thigh is the correct answer.

Pan update: haven’t won a hand yet. Stuck $120.

Move up to where they respect your chicken choices imo.


that Canterbury table, you were a dealer there right?

Yeah, most of the people in here with are Canterbury guys, or Minnesota guys.

There’s a couple local PHX folks and I’m the only one from the west coast.