Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

People run ultra-marathons in Death Valley in summer.

Six miles in extreme heat sure sounds like it would drop most inexperienced hikers.

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Fuck that shit

They basically have support cars spraying the with water.

It was 6 miles total ranging from 70 to 109 I thought.

It seems like relatively common thing to take babies on hikes. I never really got it.

That’s no joke for people who don’t hike regularly.

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Installed a solar array once when it was 117 degrees. That was a while ago. I’ve since made a 100 degree rule although last summer I broke the rule and did one when it was 105.

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We had a backpack carrier for the first born and took her hiking. It was fun and she liked it. Not when it was hot. Babies deal with cold better than most people think (take a baby out without winter clothes and it’s 65 degrees and old ladies will yell at you(at least here in CA where it doesn’t really get cold)), but not heat.

It’s probably hard for me to relate since I’m not a hiking guy. And a baby would make it even worse.

Bro was a nice fat baby and was a load to carry (like when she was 8-24mos).

I remember walking around Vegas at night once when it was still like 105 or some crazy shit. Sucked. It was like 50 here yesterday and I lifted weights in the non heated garage with my shirt off for most of it.

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Do people golf in Vegas mid-day in the summer?

I actually mentioned this about Arizona and winter golfing recently and someone responded. I can’t remember who. The last times I’ve golfed while really hot here I noticed I developed some major sweaty hand issues. A club almost slipped out of my hand several times with relatively new grips. A glove helps a bit.

I’ve tee’d off late morning in Arizona during the summer and the locals said that was pretty uncommon. From what I’ve been told most people go out as early as they can and courses are pretty empty from noon on.

there’s also ipilumumab and one other one that I don’t remember. The fact that Carter is still alive after that is remarkable.

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Hours before actor Alec Baldwin fatally shot a cinematographer on the New Mexico set of “Rust” with a prop gun, a half-dozen camera crew workers walked off the set to protest working conditions.

The camera operators and their assistants were frustrated by the conditions surrounding the low-budget film, including complaints of long hours and pay, according to three people familiar with the matter who were not authorized to comment.

The camera crew showed up for work as expected at 6:30 a.m. Thursday and began gathering up their gear and personal belongings to leave, one knowledgeable crew member told the Los Angeles Times.

Labor trouble had been brewing for days on the dusty set at the Bonanza Creek Ranch near Santa Fe.

Shooting began on Oct. 6 and members of the production said they had been promised the production would pay for their hotel rooms in Santa Fe.

But after filming began, the crews were told they instead would be required to make the 50-mile drive from Albuquerque each day, rather than stay overnight in nearby Santa Fe.

The cinematographer who was accidentally killed, Halyna Hutchins, had been advocating for safer conditions for her team, said one crew member who was on the set.

As the camera crew — members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees — spent about an hour assembling their gear at the Bonanza Creek Ranch, several nonunion crew members showed up to replace them, the knowledgeable person said.

A member of the producer staff then ordered the union members to leave the set. She said if they didn’t leave, the producers would call security to remove them.

“Corners were being cut — and they brought in nonunion people so they could continue to shooting,” the knowledgeable person said.

There were two misfires on the prop gun and one the previous week, the person said, adding “there was a serious lack of safety meetings on this set.”[

Damn - this is getting into criminal negligence territory.

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It was almost certainly criminal negligent before hand. That shit doesn’t happen unless you’re criminally negligent

“As many of us have already heard, there was an accidental weapons discharge on a production titled Rust being filmed in New Mexico,” said the North Hollywood-based local. “A live single round was accidentally fired on set by the principal actor, hitting both the Director of Photography, Local 600 member Halyna Hutchins, and Director Joel Souza. Both were rushed to the hospital,” the email said.

A source close to The Times said the union does not know what projectile was in the gun and clarified that “live” is an industry term that refers to a gun being loaded with some material such as a blank ready for filming.

This part is also interesting. But a blank sure isn’t going through two people.

I listened to an interview about two union guys from camera crew and set building that are apart of the strike

Horrible conditions on sets is pretty normal. Start times change wildly, 12 hour days, literally zero breaks, eat while doing your job, basically you can barely go to the bathroom.

For camera guys at least