Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I’m sorry you’re not able to find out what position was being used.


The focus of the story is the bystanders doing nothing. So I’m trying to understand what the scene looked like to the bystanders.

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Might hit close to home for some of us, at least in our youth.


can someone excise the rape content?

It clearly looked unusual enough for them to start filming it. I doubt they were playing a game of Monopoly.

It’s not the first time people have mass filmed an awful public act instead of intervening.

Into a better college for what? I’m with Riverman, send your kids through public school and invest the money you saved on private tuition and then give it to them once they graduate and they will almost certainly be better off I the long run.

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Taking a drug screen is the most nerve wrecking thing ever, even as a non drug user. It’s hard not to think “what if” I accidentally ate something laced or 2nd hand smoke high.

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I rely on Ask Jeeves when I need to find stuff on the internet. No complaints so far.

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Fake pee. They never watch unless it’s a probation meeting. Piece of cake.

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people are just emo about all the promoted content they get when they search. they simply don’t remember the time when you had to somehow get referred a book for some subject then go around searching for that book in several bookstores before paying something like a day’s minimum wage for it. and it may not even contain the answer to your specific problem!

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all my classmates got drug screened before starting clinical rotations third year. Someone actually did test positive for opiates from the poppyseed bagels they ate every day. They ended up being fine though.

I am Joe Biden and I approve this message.


Yup. I’m always super paranoid on any mass transit.

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But the same is true for google! (Well, maybe except for the expense part.) Yesterday I was trying to learn how to better use the camera on my Samsung S10e phone (I’m not a photographer). The information I found was out of date, incomplete, confusingly presented, incorrect, or did not apply to my specific version of the phone. That’s the usual kind of result, so the best that I expected was to find enough bits and pieces here and there to be able to figure it out myself. After a couple of hours, I just said fuck it.

imo Google used to be good. Now it sends you a million repetitive links to thing and is very overwhelmed with selling stuff and information sources are very poorly represented. And anything where there’s a really common thing and a less common thing with the same name? It is very difficult to search for the less common thing because Google will give you 100 pages of common thing first. If you actually want to do or learn something it’s usually better to search YT now. It used to be that you could easily find lots of helpful websites very easily, but now you need to better know where to start.

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before google, you wouldn’t have even gotten to the fuck it part. in all likelihood you probably wouldn’t have a phone or camera on you.

For this job I used fake pee. You have to microwave it. I ended up microwaving it at the 7/11 across the street. There was a guy in their browsing and I’m like fuck off to another aisle so I can nuke this fake pee.

I ended up spilling some on myself while waiting in the lobby.


Funny, I think I get fewer results. I used to get pages and pages, now I get one page and a shrug emoji.

Fuck it is the most familiar place I know. I’ve walked many, many a mile of library aisles and read through literal tons of books and other assorted paper to get there. Google saves me the physical part of the exercise. I’m not saying it’s not a good thing.