Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

It is fascinating how “education” is almost explicitly a gatekeeping system in our society and not much else. There’s simply no question that you’re not getting $300k worth of actual education for your money. It’s not even questioned, really. I’m curious what the ancient Chinese or Greeks would have made of it.

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My GF has these in black/black. I think I mostly gave up caring what she wears though. She can figure that shit out.

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Why do they insist on you advertising for them? Why do these companies insist on splashing their names on their products? When did I get so old that that bothers me? Pidgin. Mabel where’s my hearing aid battery?


You must be new around here



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The Chinese civil service exam was based entirely on upper-class literature. Aspiring middle-class families with promising kids would make huge investments in completely impractical schooling to try to get their kids into the bureaucracy.

I think they’d be jiving with our system!

Yeah but these people are mostly buying network connections for future jobs for their kids and social status for themselves

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Is this a serious take? What kind of brainworms has NJR developed in the last year?

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Paying children not to work in coal mines or sticking hands in machinery = Socialism :slight_smile:

All the articles on this are really vague on details. We know he ripped her pants down, which is definitely assault. But are they implying that more happened? I can’t tell.

He’s already been charged with rape. There’s a statutory definition of rape and it sounds like surveillance video clearly indicates that definition was met.

And does pulling down pants qualify for that definition?

Does pulling down pants count? Is there a non-first degree felony version of rape?

I’m not asking you guys to answer this for me. I’m just saying all the articles on this are super vague.

So the dude was literally having sex with her in the train seats? Somehow I feel like they’d just come out and say that if that’s what happened. I think NBC is getting stupid with the headline. Because the other article I read said the exact same wording about pulling down the pants, but didn’t put rape in the headline.

Anyway since the article is mostly about the passengers who did nothing, that’s what I’m wondering about. Exactly what did they see and do nothing about?

Not a lawyer, but have covered a lot of court cases in Florida. The key word defining sexual battery (rape) in this state is “penetration”.

This article mentions (1) that there was enough time for a SEPTA employee to see what was going on, contact the police, and for the police to get there while the guy was still, “in the act” (2) that the video captured enough of the attack to justify assault AND rape charges, and (3) that the woman received treatment for her injuries at a hospital. I don’t think they really need to publish any more of the gory details in order to know that something serious hapoened.


Dunno how much of the search universe those 10000 people could cover, but Google search does indeed suck. It almost certainly sucks intentionally though.

Yeah I just found that article with a lot more details. Weird stuff. Sounds like she was out of it and maybe he noticed that and followed her onto the car.

“Riders don’t always know when to contact the police,” he said. “I’m here to tell you that when you see inappropriate behavior, behavior you wouldn’t want your 10-year-old to see, call 911.”

Again, I’m not blaming the victim, just trying to understand what the scene looked like to the bystanders.