Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

So 8 people have voted but only 6 went to the link. You can’t vote on the name alone, you do actually have to look at them!


I bought one and it crashed

thank you thank you


Persimmon Orange/Fiesta all the mf way bro!

(Seriously though, I like loud tennies, they keep me from getting hit by cars)

Me too, but I’m going for that bright teal that they call blue moon!

Citrus is if you’re too timid for Persimmon Orange/Fiesta.

A boarding school costs $68k?

You got some links?

I’d have taken the over, tbh


That’s $300k for high school! Add another $300k for college and good fucking lord just put it in VTSAX and send Junior to public school. The socially driven behavior of rich people in this country is truly insane.

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I’ll ask my coworker which company he used exactly tomorrow and get back to you.


For a lot of these people the $300k is irrelevant. It’s chump change.

I know. I’ve spent tons of time with these types.

They think they’re helping their kids. They’re doing the opposite. They’re just jerking off in public to their peers.

I don’t know, man. It’s not like most of these schools don’t offer a top notch education.

You can argue it’s not 300K better than public school, but it’s hard to say that it’s not good.

These kids come from the richest neighborhoods in America. The public schools in Scarsdale and Alexandria and Brookline are every bit as good.

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This is beside the point, but I’ll agree that the education is often as good. However, the prep schools are better at getting the same quality of kid into a better college.

But setting that aside, let’s just assume that the quality is equal. If junior is going to get a massive inheritance either way, then they are lighting an irrelevant 300K on fire and getting their kids a good education.

It may not be optimal, but I’m hard pressed to see how they are actually harming their kids. Granted, there are other parental behaviors that are correlated with sending one’s child to a 300K high school which are probably destructive, but those are separate things. It’s at least theoretically possible to send a kid to that high school and not do those other things.

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You’re surrounding them exclusively with other insanely wealthy kids and fostering even more entitlement than they already naturally have from growing up in an obviously rich place with obviously rich parents.

It’s hard to decouple toxic parenting from the toxic effects of these schools, as you note, but a kid who is going to inherit fuck you money would get a lot more out of spending high school with “normal” people than with other trust fund kids, IMO.

I would argue that the best thing these rich parents could do is send their kids to the worst schools in the district to hopefully root them in the reality of non rich people.

Like basically every one of these schools has parents throwing a shit fit over critical race theory right now, and it is being taken seriously by the schools to keep donations flowing in. The kids notice and internalize that wealth is all that matters. If you’re Jared Kushner, did you ever really have a chance to avoid being a piece of shit? Maybe?

I guess it really depends on the school. I was talking to a pretty rich (not rich enough that he could wipe his ass with 300K, but definitely rich), deplorable adjacent bro I know about Harvard-Westlake (~45K/year but that doesn’t include boarding). His main reason for not wanting to send his kids there is because he thinks that it would “turn them into those woke people”.