Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Channel 5 continues to be the best at showing how WAAF we all are. Thankfully these people are killing themselves off.

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I need a car for like 6-8 months. What’s the best way to do that? Buy and sell one? Can you lease for such a period? Sorry for being dumb

Surely you can buy a beater and junk it after 8 months.

I have a beater. It is junking. I need one decent car so i won’t feel like an abusive father when driving with 2 kids in the back

I just pulled on the side of the i80 because the plastic bumper thingy fell and it sounded like my car is about to explode

I guess you can rent, but it’s expensive.

Just buy a used Honda/Toyota etc and use it. If prices keep going up on shit you may profit.


“Dumpsterfuck” absolutely needs to catch on. Is it a dumpster fire? Is it a clusterfuck? Both. It’s a dumpsterfuck.


A bunch of new companies have surfaced that you can rent a nice electric car for like $700-$900 a month (insurance included) my coworker is currently doing it. You probably don’t want to spend that though - maybe look into buying a used Honda Civic for like $7,000 and then resell it for a slight to no loss?

My first thought was too literal - two horny hoboes doing it in a filthy alley dumpster. Maybe this helps your case.

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@Yuv, my buddy has done this quite a bit over the years - took over somebody’s lease. Seems like a good way to do it if you can find one that fits your time frame.

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I’ve bought older Toyotas off Craigslist before, but it’s hard to recommend doing this unless you’re good with cars because too many people are trying to sell you cars with hidden problems, and just going out to random spots to test drive cars with strangers is pretty tedious. But you can find some good deals if your diligent and a bit lucky.

There are a bunch of “AirBnB for car” type services out there. I bet you could find someone who’d make a 6 month deal.

I am neither

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I had a painful neuroma in my foot about 10 years ago. I can’t remember if it was a Morton’s or if it was between a different set of toes and thus called something else. Physical therapy did nothing but getting better dress shoes with more cushion helped a lot. The podiatrist also had me start to use a small teardrop shaped insert attached to the insoles of all my shoes, and that has kept the problem at bay since then.

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I use ghostery to block all tracking cookies.

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Alright - taking votes on the best color of these monstrosities. I’ve only included the colors that are acceptable to me. All black and all white are not contenders. Here’s a link for the visuals:

  • Black/Atlantis
  • Black/White
  • Ombre Blue/Provincial Blue
  • Provincial Blue/Citrus
  • Real Teal/Outer Space
  • Turbulence/Chili
  • Wild Dove/Dark Shadow
0 voters
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I assumed you made a typo on “Turbulence/Chill” but it is in fact “Chili” which makes it the winner.

I kind of want a pair now.

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Black/Antifa looks nice


Have you considered getting an NFT of a car instead?