Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Like for real though, what is the point of being a multi-billionaire if you can’t chase mid-level staffer skirt.

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I mean the dude is on the Epstein flight logs. So I’m sure his attitude towards women is just great.

You talking about a Morton’s Neuroma? Did the shot help? I haven’t gone to the doctor yet, but WebMD tells me I’ve got one in my right foot that comes and goes, but it’s been getting worse lately.

The shots didn’t do anything imo. Time off my feet and different shoes when on my feet is what helped.

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Thanks. I’ve been meaning to find an orthotic or something - it’s usually not so bad in sneakers but wearing dress shoes for court or walking around the house in bare feet is sometimes really painful.

I actually had some orthotics made that were supposed to relieve the pressure around them or something. Waste of time and money in my situation and made the issue worse imo.

My podiatrist has been insisting that I get these god awful shoes:

Wife says she’ll divorce me if I get these and wear them when she’s out with me - so I’m considering it. But holy shit are they ugly shoes.




Sounds cool. I’d imagine you’d have to screen off the rotating pieces to prevent kid and animal injuries. Might not work well with snow and ice?


Complete aside, but this shit infuriates me. Ok, so I get the typical Cookies popup. Rather than accept all, I go to “review options” or something like that. It gives me this menu, where my choices are… “Accept all and continue” or GO ADVERTISER BY ADVERTISER THROUGH THIS ALPHABETICAL LIST TURNING EACH ONE OFF INDIVIDUALLY. Fuck this, fuck you Fast Company, I’m not reading your article out of spite. At least most of the time when I’m in Europe there’s a “Deny all” option, I think? That needs to be universal.

And yes, I know I’m giving up way more data every second of every day through things like… using a phone made by Google, or going to websites that don’t even give this option to turn things off. It’s just, like, if you’re going to give me the option then do it fucking right (I know why they don’t do it right). And then let’s mandate that through some sort of universal right-to-my-data law or something. Argh. Rant over.


Dude the big soles are in style these days! I actually have a pair of these for running and I love them heh. I’ll sometimes wear them out shopping with sweats and they look good for a sporty look and they’re super comfy. Some of the color combos are decent, all black definitely looks too much like old man podiatric shoes though.


The point of these isn’t to give you options over your data. Like everything in capitalism the point is to take all the bad things happening to you and make them your fault. Oh you didn’t go through our byzantine opt out system? Guess you don’t care what we do to you then huh?


We gave you a choice! Choice is good!

Alright goddamnit. I’ll buy a pair.



Haha you’ll grow to love them, next your wife will be buying a pair lol

Nonsense. We need more things to weed out the stupid children. Stupid children grow up to become deplorables.



I had issues with my knees and feet for a long time, and the experts all pushed various “motion control” shoes and orthotics, and what eventually solved my issues was soft tissue work on my quads, calves, and IT bands, as well as going to very minimalistic shoes with zero to very slight heel to toe lift.

Different situation than you, but it goes to show that the experts often don’t know shit.


Reminds me that the doctor who gave me the cortisone shots when asked how he was doing said: “it was a lot better before Obamacare we weren’t nearly as busy”. :joy:


hell yeah I’m loving these bad boys

just tell fatboy not to get the all black model, those are hellasus.