Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

How about don’t post obvious trolls?

Classic Buca di Bepo


The phenomenon is not at all debunked. Some very interesting demonstrations have been done where people fake heart attacks or they have a fire in an adjoining room and plant people who either react or not and most people act or not depending on the people around them. The lesson is be brave and show leadership and other people will help.

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People can be good at times

From psych 101 a hundred years ago there’s a kind of dilution of responsibility, a feeling that someone else will do something that makes it less likely anyone actually does.

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Do I need a will? I’ve never had one, 35, just divorced. Hardly any money at the moment, will have less than 100K net worth once divorce money comes my way. 3 kids.

Should I wait until after I plan to try and buy a house say next summer?

well you still need to update everything so your ex doesn’t get the rest of it (ie, if she’s written on various financial documents as pay out on death, even divorce doesn’t matter she gets it)

when in doubt just do it I’d say

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Yep, I still remember a CPR class I took more then 30 years ago. If there’s a crowd of people and you’re starting CPR, you don’t say “Somebody call 911!”, you pick a specific person, look them in the eye and point at them, and say “YOU! Call 911!” and then get to work. That always stuck with me.


RIP to the OG adult in the room who got corrupted by right wing nuttery and ended up doing its bidding while thinking to control right wing nuttery it’s better to be in the inside than outside

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Yes. Part of my settlement was that we had to keep our life insurance while the kids were minors. I insisted we put in in a schedule where the surviving parent got less and the kids got more as time passed.

I left my marriage with about $100k in retirement accounts. I had no home equity so my net worth wasn’t much more than that. Just a few years later both had grown.

Get a trust setup for minor kids (the kind that only exists on your passing).

Good luck. Make all your decisions based on your relationship w your kids. My ex did not always pay her “fair” share but I never said a word. I got a significant income increase and passed more than formula along as increased child support. Never stepped in a courtroom once.

If you can, overpay child support and pay $0 spousal support. That when when the youngest graduates you are done with the ex. That support money is becomes your college contribution. Once they are done w college you get a big raise!

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I don’t know a ton about him, but shouldn’t he be in the terrible people thread? IIRC he straight up lied a bunch to get the wars going.

he veered hard away from trumpism so he gets more complicated on the terrible people spectrum

They should call this The Romney Zone of the spectrum.

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Holy shit. Cortisone shot in the big toe joint is not fun.


He wasn’t even really as ideological as Romney. He is a prime example of a “good person” who, because of institutional commitments, gets boiled like a frog in a pot by right wing nut jobs in control of the institution slowly turning up the heat until he’s practically lying on TV to the world. That can go the way of Trumpism in destroying America or in the neo con way of messianic regime change, both of which sucked.


Had one in my thumb joint like 30 years ago. And yeah, I still remember that shot. Owww!!! On the bright side, my thumb hasn’t really swelled up or hurt, despite bowling like 5,000 games since then.

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Why did you use the word practically

This post is so far off, he’s a garbage pos and deserves to burn.


I’m not so sure. He is maybe less evil than the median Republican, but his career is littered with “not great, Bob” stuff. One of his earliest career moves was taking responsibility for the official US Army report denying that the My Lai Massacre happened. Huh. Later he lead a US Army project to crack down on black militants in the military. Huh. Then he was National Security Advisor for Reagan and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair for Bush Sr. All this was before he gave Bush Sr. a giant assist in launching a disastrous military Iraq War.

Everyone acts like he has this impeccable “good guy” career before the Iraq War Oopsie, but maybe he was actually just an asshole conservative all this time, putting in work for the evil Republican Presidents that have made life on earth measurably worse for the past 40 years. Fuck that guy.


Ranking war criminals next to the “median Republican” might be one of the most worthless things you can do. Symptom of pathological politics poster brain. And if you’re going to, at least rank them the right way.

Had a few in neuromas in bones around ball of foot. You can feel the cortisone burn each time.

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