Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

From the study:

Maybe Americans are just assholes?


Pretty sure You Don’t Say? will publish that, too!


Getting convicted might actually be good for Trump’s grifting.

I was told consumer choice is superior to regulations.

Of course. They’re persecuting Me! Donate money to fight the Dirty Dems!

He will say “They’re persecuting Me to get at Us! Donate money!” and his cult members desperate to give their lives some meaning will lap that up. They’re so special that Dems are attacking Trump just to get them!

An election of mixed feelings in the Czech Republic

  1. The old parties are dead. The Communists and the Social Democrats did not make the 5% threshold. They paid the price for forming a government with Andrej Babis and the people here could not be happier

  2. Speaking of ANO…they fucking lost! For years they were nearly invincible in the polls! Then they botched COVID and fell behind two coalitions during the summer before recovering after lockdown. Despite having the upper hand in projections leading in, they fell to

  3. Together! This is where the mixed feelings come in. Not only did the right-wing coalition Together massively exceed expectations, the left-wing coalition of Pirates and STAN (PirSTAN) massively underperformed. So yes, the two coalitions will likely form a government based solely on hating Andrej Babis. But it will definitely be one that leans more to the right.

  4. By wiping out the old left (Communists, Social Democrats) and the new left (Pirates) getting crushed in preference polling, there really isn’t much political representation of left-leaning. ideals in this country. Pirates ran hard on SJW issues which lead to all of the other parties ganging up on them to spread all sorts of bullshit through social media to completely decimate them in the election. Sure they’ll get to be part of the ruling coalition but they won’t have any real power within it.

There’ll be some drama though. Milos Zeman is basically Czech Donald Trump. He’s already stated that he is going to recognize ANO as the election winner since they’re the party that got the most votes. So, he’ll be a huge pain in the ass about this for a while but will eventually give in or die (there are huge questions surrounding his recent hospital visits). I’m prepared for the drama.

All they have to do is get their Trump in office, the way Putin got his puppet. Then it will happen.

i will now take bets on putin being out of power in years less than 10 and 5. europe will be an interesting place when far right parties have to support themselves.


If the metric system is so great, why do they use minutes instead of millidays?


Minutes are not SI units but you can use them if you want to.

The SI unit of measure is the second, so the question really should be why don’t we use kiloseconds.

Andrej Babis losing and Milos Zeman on death’s door? This could be the greatest weekend in Czech history!


That’s pretty cool. I’ve seen that stuff about base twelve counting elsewhere, and it really seems more in line with imperial unit logic to me.

How should we measure distance? Let’s use our feet!

How many hours should be in a day? Let’s use the joints in our fingers!

The SI definition of a second is total bullshit. It’s something like how long a Cesium atom takes to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

That’s what I think the day should be the SI unit of time if they are committed to science ™, with similar logic to why they go crazy about Celsius (did you know it’s based on water!?!). And then they can have millidays, kilodays, etc. for shorter and longer periods.

I drank champagne to toast this specific outcome last night. Very good news. Never say “dead” though.

eta prosecco, not champagne

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If I still wasn’t sick, I would’ve had a few to celebrate too.

Good to see the oppressors finally out rather than on the way out.

It only seems that way because they went backwards. They knew what a second had to be and then they needed to come up with something that was a constant to define it. What physical reference would you use that would remain unchanged pretty much forever?

That Cs atom is pretty important because it actually defines meters as well (since they are defined by how fast light can travel in some fraction of a second).