Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

This is why I’m starting to preach that we need to change people’s attitudes about wealth from it being a right to it being a privilege. If you abuse that privilege, like by avoiding taxes, we have every right as a society to take the wealth away.


This seems like something that fits in “racism isn’t economically efficient therefore it’ll be competed away” that seems transparently full of it once you take a step back and look at the real world

My bff was on TeeVee last Friday; UK quiz show The Chase. Haven’t had time to VPN it yet but thoroughly enjoying the roasting he got on Twitter.

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Can confirm. I watched my friend try to navigate the system. It’s a full time job. They constantly just shut off your benefits for no reason. You have to be on your A-game and be ready to spend hours and hours on phone calls or waiting in govt lobbies for your turn to be called. You have to do your own research to find out all the stuff you need to know.

Only the physically and mentally fittest of the needy can actually navigate the system.

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Maybe the esteemed graduates of Facebook University can help you out.

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If you’re arguing republicans should be in charge of everything but you live in New Zealand you should fuck right off more than anyone else who should fuck right off.


In this case do your own research actually makes sense - as in find govt programs you might be eligible for, and come prepared ahead of time with the right documents, etc.

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Yeah, that the people fabricating the turnout numbers and the vote percentage of Putin are overwhelmingly picking 0s and 5s for the trailing digits.


Thanks for pointing that out, I didn’t even notice the grid and was unclear on what “periodic integer pattern” meant in context.

I thought we were supposed to be looking at the bright spot around 100/100 which also seems pretty suspect.

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Sabine throws cold water on hot fusion.

Good stuff.


During the 2016 legislative session, Graham was one of 11 Democrats to vote in favor of HB2, the controversial “Bathroom Bill.”. Womp womp.

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They already published Andrej Babiš’s (Czech Republic PM) records and it less than a week before the election. Front page material in this country



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Annnnnnnnnnnnnd, he has already resigned.


Of course this was happening

Charges have been dropped against 11 migrants arrested under Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative after the men told attorneys they were marched for about 20 minutes to a fenced ranch by law enforcement, then arrested for trespassing.

Without video evidence or a written report of the August incident from U.S. Border Patrol, Val Verde County Attorney David Martinez dismissed the trespassing charges Monday after the men had spent nearly two months in state prison.

The men had fled on foot after a highway traffic stop by Border Patrol agents, according to an arrest affidavit. The migrants later told attorneys that when found near the highway, officers made the migrants walk for about 20 minutes and climb, hands zip-tied, over a nearly 10-foot fence onto a ranch before they were arrested for trespassing by state troopers.