Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I don’t even know how to react to this, but the article definitely held my attention!

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Larson and the other bitter losers are 100% the assholes here. And boy does this explain a lot about Little Fires Everywhere

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Yeah, by the end they come across as terrible, self-important people. Look at this dumb white bitch trying to validate herself by donating a kidney to a stranger when she should be focusing on more important stuff like, checks notes…. writing short stories.

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Just the fucking gall of these people. Jesus. I mean like don’t write down things you don’t want published in a newspaper and all, but also don’t be completely heartless.

Looking forward to Dorland’s non-fiction story about these fucked up people.

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I guess they all stand by their actions even now. Imagine having the world learn you suck and then being like “yea, and…?”

Reading replies to this thread, I guess a lot of people are going to out themselves as assholes?

Sounds like a bunch of overly dramatic people that all suck.

I like to keep those people in my life for the LOLs because I have like 0 drama in my own life.

I also post on UP for the exposed private chat group theatrics.


Right but one emotional person funnels their issues to save a person’s life and the others into mocking them and behaving extremely sleazily. And wtf does race have to do with it? Oh, because a savior complex isn’t juicy enough, got to make her a WHITE SAVIOR. As if Dortland was like “doctors, I’m fine with giving my kidney to a complete stranger as long as you promise me it will be a minority so that I can hold it over them.”

Fucking trash faux intellectuals, this is why I’m voting for Trump! Can’t even donate a kidney these days without getting shit for it and having a book written about how racist you are!

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Beyond unfathomable that people would make catty comments about someone for being annoying on Facebook. I truly help they are tortured in hell for all eternity

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I don’t know. I think the donor lost me when she was asking “Why haven’t you acknowledged my gift of giving a kidney.” I think everybody in the story looks like drama queens.

ETA: Actually, they’re all self-important drama queens sniffing their own farts.

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Larson > Dorland

It was an email to Larson with a bunch of other updates about Dortland’s life and at the end it said “I think you are aware that I donated my kidney this summer, right?”

Clearly Dortland wanted some praise for the extremely praiseworthy thing she did but wasn’t worthy of a vicious takedown.

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I prefer zebra paste. I’ve done my research.


Stopped reading here:

Say what you will about DeSantis, though, you won’t hear many people argue that Florida shouldn’t exist.


It’s like they’ve never seen bugsbunnyflorida.gif.


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