Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I mean, I’m old enough to remember, “I prefer the soldiers who don’t get captured,” and that guy went on to win the GOP primary.

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That was Trump the unicorn himself. Not many of the proles do that.


They shat all over John Kerry’s service record. They don’t care at all about supporting the troops or any of that bullshit, it’s all bad-faith tribalism.

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I don’t know this guy but surely that tweet is not meant to be taken seriously

That’s a bit different. They were claiming he was lying about what he did.

If fox were running something like Duckworth is faking her limb loss, that would be comparable.

I probably should have been clearer about that in my last post. Sorry about that.

I don’t think “I think the wars were pointless and wasteful and immoral and the 200000 Afghans who died are tragedy and a war crime, but I respect the people who serve” really wins people over. The “outrage” over insults to a particular soldier or saluting with the wrong hand is just misplaced because people either don’t know or don’t want to express the real issue, which is that right supports what the military does and the left doesn’t. No one wants to go out and drop a bunch of bombs on innocent people and then be told it’s ok because they weren’t in charge. They want to be told it’s ok because what they did was good and necessary.

The right can shit on McCain all they want and the left can kiss their asses until their lips fall off and it’s not going to change any votes.


The implication is clearly how that person barely gets by on a million dollar salary and therefore should not be taxed heavily.
It’s ridiculous to have the gall that society should subsidize buying a multi-million home with an around the clock servant staff. That‘s where entitlement reform should start.


From the ‘No Shit Gazette’ and the ‘You Don’t Say Times’ comes this hard hitting piece of journalism. Wonder how much it cost WAPO to do this story. Really turning over every rock to uncover what we already know.

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I forgot that the other media involved is the “nothing is going to fucking happen post”.

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There’s zero value to “uncovering” shit everyone knows is happening, it just highlights the immunity.

As much as we all dump on the MSM, this is phenomenal investigative reporting.


No, you guys are right. it’s important journalism.

I’m just a bit salty as rich people just keep abusing society. And then the absurdity of Manchin talking about how he’s worried that semi-poor people instead of just completely fucking poor people might get helped by a bill in congress from the deck of his yacht.

Also, my small city of 55,000 people has an enormous homelessness problem that is completely unsolvable on a local level. And again, Manchin on his yacht and Cinema at her wine internship.

Think I"ve reached my breaking point.

Maybe I"ll just work harder and become rich myself.


I saw that and had to turn away. I Don’t know if anyone ever died of irony but I didn’t want to chance it. Fortunately the sound was off.

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Lol wtf was that shit all about anyway?


Hate listened to Hannity for a minute today

Had some fucker on saying we need all you people listening to this to do whatever you can to get Republicans to power in the midterms and beyond. After that dude just happened to say he was currently living in New Zealand as if it was nothing.

Fucking Hannity guests that live in USA are one thing

But seriously fuck the right off if you choose to live in New Zealand and still Hannity guest

we shit on crenshaw and don’t bat an eye. (pun unintentional). it’s hard for me personally to not think any vet is potentially a ptsd case (probably started with brody on homeland for me). doubly so if they are spewing some direct or dog-whistle deplorable demagoguery. triply so if they are all-in on one-party authoritarian police state bullshit.

it’s been raised a few times already, vets need a treatment plan when their deployment ends. noone should be jumping back into toxic power-imbalance situations when they might be affected by witnessed war, casualties, atrocities, etc.

There are definitely law firms in all these places, but it’s a pretty competitive field. I don’t think the substantive job is very hard, but you need to have clients, and the client-service expectations are BigLaw level or higher.

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