Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

He’s stealing the parking though

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Somehow I missed he’s spending about $200k per year on the live in nanny. That seems high.

What is funny is this basically undermines the concept of free market capitalism completely. I’m sure this tweets intended effect is for people to think omg that person has high expenses we shouldn’t tax them or whatever but my first thought is if you can earn multiple millions a year and still feel precarious then the system you’re in is a clear and obvious failure and should be overthrown immediately.


If you point out to rich people that they are still unhappy even though they are superficially successful in capitalism and that a more collective system would be better, they will 99% of the time retort with some version of “BUT I EARNED THAT MONEY!” It’s a trap that the system trains people to think they’re special because they have money. People will accept misery to cling to identify beliefs that they are emotionally invested in.


Depends on what she does. Or maybe what she knows.

We need to start drilling into people’s heads that wealth is a privilege.

And I imagine they only have 1 meal together as a family at most due to such, so their in restaurant spending/takeout budget must be huge

Guy is screwing the nanny

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Super low content. But it’s October 3rd.

He can afford it because he doesn’t eat avocado toast anymore.

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Not as cool as September 21st imo


fox news ran a headline of duckworth doesn’t pay property tax when you don’t have to in Illinois if you lost your legs serving our country. (R’s are shocked that anyone could do something like this obv)

damn those elitist democrats not paying taxes tho

How well can that possibly play on fox news? Sure she’s not white, but shitting on a vet for getting a tax break for losing limbs while serving? I feel like that is tough to swallow even for the MAGA folks.

lol, these people don’t actually give a shit about veterans.


As a great leftist once said, property tax is theft

Not really, but they’ve very good at pretending. So much so that speaking ill of them is highly discouraged.

Obviously they don’t care enough to want to actually help in any way. That would be beyond just pretending.

I feel like part of the subtext of this Duckworth story is “means testing” to tie in with the Manchin position of “we can’t just be giving all these benefits to everybody, it’s too expensive, let’s add multiple layers of super-efficient government bureaucracy to ensure those getting benefits really need them”:

“We grant people relief regardless of their income situation, and the rest of the community has to pay more,” Msall continued. "It’s unfair, it’s very hard to monitor and it’s hard to authenticate who’s getting the value. Is it the needy people, or is it a large giveaway?"

Duckworth receives an annual salary of $174,000 and she earned royalties totaling more than $300,000 in both 2019 and 2020 from a book that she wrote, the report said.

I mean she doesn’t need it, so if she really loved her country, she’d give it back, right?

Meanwhile Trump exploits every loophole (and then some) to end up paying no taxes, and he’s a business genius.

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They shit on veterans all the time. It’s okay if the vets are Democrats.

They shit on Dems who happen to be vets all the time. They hold back on topics specifically related to their service.

EDIT: Above was too broad. Definitely not all topics. My mistake.

We should be willing to shit on Republicans who happen to be vets. The world would be a better place if John McCain had never come back from Vietnam.