Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

on Jan 16th they’ll be shocked they didn’t get paid back and they can’t figure out where he went


Obviously the free weed candies for halloween is nonsense, but I’ve had a few really high toddlers because of that kind of packaging though. They’ve all done fine.

Are those candies licensed by the candy companies or just blatant rip-off or how does that work?

They are black market rip offs

Damn those are well done

bring on climate change. we don’t deserve saving.


“Potentially” doing a lot of work there.


They’re also completely making up the THC content. Like, inflated by probably 500-1000%. Every now and then I’ll talk myself into buying this kind of edibles from my weed lady instead of making them myself, and every time it’s just a complete waste of money.

lol @ them posing like badasses with body armor in front of some edibles. What a bunch of absolute choads.

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Are they really black market ripoffs? I think this is a legit company making these things, no? I would think there would be a pretty quick cease & desist letter otherwise.

I don’t know why Cheetos wouldn’t make a THC product, that is 100% on-brand.


Probably got less than a decade before we get a Taco Bell WeedLupa


Took a quick look at their website and they appear to be based on indigenous tribal land in Canada. They don’t accept PayPal or Credit Card payment, but they can take Canadian bank transfers and bitcoin. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that PepsiCo hasn’t licensed the product, but, who knows, maybe the Canadian marketers are just super chill folks…


They’re in Mohawk territory. Almost certainly not a licensed product and they’re just giving a big F U to Frito-Lay.


Wonder what would happen if you went to a tribal leader in 1491 and explained Bitcoin for copyright infringing weed edibles to them.


If forced to choose between those two options, I’d say $3-$5 is pretty close to what the convenience would be worth to me. I am lazy AF, though. On the other hand, I hate spending money on shit like this, so I understand where you’re coming from. This would be a perfect two button meme for me to be sweating bullets over.

Can you just do online bill pay through your bank? I haven’t used it in a while, but the check just gets mailed from the bank directly. All online and you even save your $0.50 stamp.

420mg, excellent product design


I checked and it’s free. There was a charge if doing it internationally but I don’t recall how much that was. Also a limit on the number of transfers per month, I think. Could also do a transfer through PayPal for 1% of the amount transferred. I don’t understand why they might care how the money got there as long as it’s in their account by the due date. They’re kind of eccentric.

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Obviously the odds of someone giving this shit out is astronomically low, but if someone did it, there are a couple that I could easily miss.