Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I’m mailing them paper checks and telling them to fuck off.

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why does one carry co2 cartridges on the trail?

Whatinhell kind of bass ackwards country do you prople live in that you can’t just email your rent money to your landlord? Us Canucks lag behind the US in a lot of things, but moving money around electronically is not one of them (and I legit have no idea why).

Um, in case you need to open a bottle of especially fine vintage bear piss?

It’s almost $100/year for these two checks. Factoring postage, let’s say that’s an additional cost of $80-85/year. Consider how much time it takes to write two checks per month and figure that the time spent mailing them is negligible since I just drop it when I pick up my mail and you can figure out what that convenience is costing you on an hourly basis.

I won’t live long enough to see universal healthcare, so this is a minor inconvenience, relatively speaking.

I did exactly that calculation prior to posting. My inputs are different because my check writing is so infrequent. If it was something that I knew I had to do every month, I could streamline it and probably shave some time off of the process.

But if I paid $80/yr to not have to deal with mailing those two checks, I’d probably not feel terrible about it.

I actually I am paying ~$50/year to not mail one check.

I’ve got this life insurance policy that has two payment options:

  1. Pay annually by check
  2. Pay monthly by check or ACH transfer

If I pay annually, the total annual premium is about $50 less.

Ideally, I’d just pay annually by automatic ACH transfer but that option is not offered.

So, if I want the discount, I have to do this once a year and if I forget it, I could potentially lose the policy. There are some things in place to prevent my forgetting to mail a check from causing me to instantly lose the policy (grace periods and such), but it could happen. Sure there are ways I could remind myself to do it, but I could easily still forget. Or worst case: I’m in a coma when the premium is due, policy lapses, and then I die after that. With the automatic payments, I can completely forget about it, which I basically have.

You got me thinking about hemp tortillas. Is that something that could be a thing? :thinking:

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Wat. It’s free advertising for them. Plus the tribal lands association probably makes it PR sensitive.

You don’t boil your bear urine? Gross.

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So, you’re city folk, huh?


Buy it

She was trying to drink water from a puddle and she believed it was contaminated with bear urine.

Meth’s a hellofa drug



In case anyone is wondering, I got the rent thing resolved once I was able to get hold of my landlord’s bank person. Whole thing was stupid… a paper check mailed through online bill pay is fine as long as the check goes… to the bank. Landlord just wanted to avoid dealing with the checks himself. Ofc, it might be too late to get a paper check there by the first of the month (DeJoy!) so I sent a wire transfer this time. Anyway, I think that’s the end of the story.

