Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

So I’m out on a long hike in the woods and I encounter whatever the hell this is. I should run away as fast as I can, because that’s some spooky shit, right? Looks like something from an Ari Aster movie.


There are ancient Native American earthworks located near that altar thingy, FWIW.

My first guess is that it was constructed for a wedding.


lol. mildly nsfw

In reference to a previous conversation this is an IMDb 5.4 that I thought was pretty good.



Gotta break their will early.

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Why is a to-go coffee cup part of the home office?

I’ll ask my wife and let you know.


My neighbor used to text me to see if I had made coffee before he went to a drive thru. I offered him a coffee maker I have in my garage and told him to stop asking for my coffee when I’m working. He turned down the free coffee maker and still drives to get coffee pretty much every morning.

Because in the United States of Freedom and Consumption we get our coffee by driving a very large, single-occupancy vehicle several miles to a retail strip center where we then wait several minutes in the drive through lane with the engine running so we can pay $5 for a mediocre coffee in a “recyclable” cup that really just ends up in a landfill and then we turn around an drive back home to drink it and you think I’m making a joke hahaha but this really is a thing millions of people do every single day including I guarantee at least several people who post regularly on this forum and hahaha omg the absurdity we’re literally destroying our only habitable planet becase we can’t make coffee at home hahaha.


Seems like the kind of person who should get a Keurig

Any idea what the real headline is? Tim Pool is extremely annoying

Looks like it came from this video.

Pim Tool is among the worst.

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A beenie kind of works on a young man. It does not work as an iconic accessory in middle age though.

New economic research paper about how being a TV star can make it easier to become POTUS

Was this published in the journal No Shit We All Have Eyes And Saw What Happened in 2016 by chance?


Nah, it follows the article I posted about how wearing masks reduces covid in the journal of You Don’t Say?