Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Her fraud extended beyond securities fraud. The fake blood tests were out in the real world getting used by real people with real health concerns.


Oh nvm fuck her then.

Real question is how did they think they would get away with it

I just assumed the PM was Crocodile Dundee and am surprised to find out he is not. Was he term limited out or something?

Anyway his real name is Paul Hogan according to Wikipedia.


Man from Snowy River always gets left out.

I think they thought/convinced themselves to think that they’d get the technology to work at some point. So to them, their claims weren’t fraudulent, they just weren’t true yet. And in a world where rich people don’t face consequences, it’s a freeroll, so you might as well jam the accelerator to the floor and see what happens.

Seems like they got greedy and flew too close to the sun. She probably could have made a couple hundred million without pushing it into fraud territory.

The only time rich people face consequences is when they steal from other rich people

I thought they were doing real blood tests through convnetional machines, but claiming the tests were done on their superfast miracle machine?

Scott Morrison is the PM.

They were fucked. Their machine never worked. They were hoping to somehow get it to do what they claimed and then cover up that they hadn’t actually been using it to run assays.

I don’t think they had a future if the magic machine never worked.

I read that entire book and the only Australians I can think of are Paul Hogan and that PM who disappeared into the ocean.

More people need to talk about how the PM of a modern country just up and disappeared one day.

It was a bit of both. They used their Edison machines for some tests, but the results weren’t particularly accurate. In addition, they ran a much higher amount of tests using conventional machines. They ran into a bit of a problem there because the whole sales pitch for the Edison was that it used less blood per test so you could run a whole battery of tests using a small draw (often just a finger stick). So, they didn’t have enough of a sample to run all of the conventional tests so they overdiluted the samples which meant they sometimes got wonky results even on the conventional machines.


apparently the brits were a little short so the media printed headlines they were short so people made a run on gas stations/whatever else. Good to see it’s not just US media that’s unfathomably stupid.

Yup, I had to queue for nearly an hour to fill my tank and 2 jerry cans because of these idiots


This was definitely part of it. Certainly when they were pitching to investors they presented traditional test results as though they were Theranos results. But eventually they were testing retail consumers through a deal with Walgreens and I think those tests were often wrong and directly misinformed patients.


Have you bought your Xmas turkey yet?

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I read it. To say the least, it’s unsettling that our best ideas about how the world really works lead to the conclusion that we have no idea what the world is actually like.

Ok I have another one that keeps coming up over and over. The discussion on the previous post was really good, and I incorporated a lot of it.

Naturally my mind wandered to the final scene in An Officer and a Gentleman, where Richard Gere strides into the factory in full uniform, scoops Deborah Winger off her feet, and carries her out to the jubilant cheers of her female coworkers and Joe Cocker belting out Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong.


Naturally my mind wandered to the final scene in An Officer and a Gentleman, where Richard Gere strides into the factory in full uniform, scoops Deborah Winger off her feet, then carries her out to the jubilant cheers of her female coworkers and Joe Cocker belting out Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong.

Or something else?

I keep running into this same issue where I want to list some things that happen in tight sequence, and neither and nor then feels right. I think I may be approaching these kinds of constructions the wrong way as @EmpireMan described earlier.

“And” is fine there.