Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Congrats, Crunchy! RIP gainz, but still a good trade.

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Why wouldn’t you just put your arms between your head and the eagle so that the eagle hits your arms and not your skull? They can’t feint in at 100mph and then change direction. Or just like hide under a tree!

Same with a goose.



No one’s ever been killed by a goose, eagle, rat, or house cat, afaict*, so that’s the line I would draw. Most animals smaller than a human would back off to aggression. It’s only when they are cornered that they fight.

* Diseases aside.

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A tree would be great. Otherwise my instinctive reaction would probably be to duck but then maybe he gets his talons into me and it’s over. I mean, according to Google, golden eagles have been known to kill adult deer and livestock up to 500 lb.

Arms up, idk, maybe. The eagle’s kinetic energy is equivalent, for an average 200 lb US male, to dropping from a height of 14 feet. If I go head first, I’m not sure putting my arms out does much good. Let’s say I survive and win because bird is dead. I don’t think I’ll be doing any more intro physics problems.

I still think the bird wins most times. My o/u for the list is ~medium dog.

This fecker can run Off road :point_down::see_no_evil:



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bullish on $KID, bearish on $SLEEP

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that baby is one hundred years old




Yeah this list is all wrong… Let’s start

  • Elephant No1
  • Crocodile No 2 (Due to being out of water only)
  • Lion ( See a real Lion Documentary for why) these beast kill everything in sight when they leave a pride to start afresh.(Except Crocodiles ofc)
  • Gorilla
  • Grizzly Bear
  • Chimpanzee
  • Wolf
  • Kangaroo

I mean whomever is putting a Chimp ahead of a Joey has watched to much MMA and actually thinks these ********** can choke you oot, lol no.

And where is my Tiger in all of this & my snow leapord is taking Joeys gloves too thank you.


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I could beat seven shades of shit out of this crocodile:


The dog people, even large dog people, are misunderstanding. Dogs hunt in packs because by themselves they have one fairly obvious and straightforward attack vector. They’re not gonna do Brazilian jiu-jitsu or muay thai on you.

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Maybe. There’s a family story about my uncle dealing with a big dog attacking one of my cousins. Neighbor’s dog had gotten out and into the backyard where my cousins were playing. My uncle grabbed the dog by the tail, swung it around a couple of times and over the 6 ft fence. I wasn’t there so can’t say for sure if true but my dad and uncle were don’t hesitate take charge guys who grew up on a ranch so it’s in character.

Still, a dog like a Queensland Heeler, though not that big, would a be an extremely dogged opponent.

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Eagle (and I suppose all, really) are dependent on venue and rules. When I first saw the tweet I was assuming some sort of MMA type ring.

If the Eagle can just stalk you from some treetops and wait until you’re asleep, then gg human.

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I think this would theoretically work if executed fast enough. With dogs the key is to not let them get hold of you with their jaws. Even little 30 pound dogs like mine have insanely strong jaws when they mean it.

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Yeah. But I don’t see how it’s a fair fight if you take away the animal’s natural advantages.

Preferred opponent?
  • Attacking pitbull
  • Angry strong-looking man with a club.

0 voters

An angry man can be misled/manipulated. A pit bull is singular and unwavering.

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I was assuming both are trying to kill me.

Yes, assume both are attacking.