Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The key here is which are you most likely to outrun. And the answer is definitely not the pitbull.


Someone posted the inline quoted tweet above. Note that the author is a philosoper/classics scholar who is on the latest Ezra Klein show. Just from the general discussion and more particularly concerning her family (son went through a phase where they had to stop and talk in depth to homeless people) it’s pretty clear this is an accurate account. It’s like the child of a hardcore football fan analogizing some event to, say, a past Superbowl (eg, the falcon’s blowing big lead).

pitbull yeah


They can do a one-handed row of something like 3x their body weight. It’s crazy because there’s this old timey study where a scientist measured them doing like 8-12x their body weight, but the whole study suffered from more methodology and equipment. So now, people say the revised estimated figures as “only” ____ where the blank is something ludicrous.


Funny, but it’s 1-877-CARS-4-KIDS. How could geese mess that up?

Also Adele over Neil deGrasse Tyson is LOL.

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If you kick a dog in the balls, it won’t stop attacking.

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  1. Of course it’s Japan
  2. Let’s hope this doesn’t become a standard of practice

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Contractual obligations

I hope your pony doesn’t become standard of practice.

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Well… it’d be a lot easier to find that hole than the breathing hole.

Mechanistically… it kind of makes sense?

I’ll keep everyone updated on this breathtaking new development.

Who wants to start an anal oxygen bar?

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So one of the most ridiculous things on pubmed is a case report detailing this woman who kept having free air in her abdomen (this is super bad… normally it means your bowel burst open and bacteria is spilling out).

Turned out that her partner was blowing air up her vagina as some sort of sex thing they were in to, and the air went through the cervix, uterus and Fallopian tubes into her belly.

And how could YOU mess up that it’s 1-877-KARS-4-KIDS?


1st confirmed case of female enjoying blow job?

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Dunno about ‘enjoying’, she had two emergency surgeries I believe.

Then how come you can choke someone to death?

Shouldn’t we be farting excessively in an emergency as a way to exhale carbon dioxide?

you would need massive amounts of airflow through the gut. Lung exchanges roughly ~5 L/min in normal people at rest IIRC. Would assume the gut would need a lot more than that to have any sort of exchange.

I wanna go paddle boarding.