Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

On the plus side, Cape Breton Island is a beautiful spot to visit.

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I know I grew up in Nova Scotia.

I feel like every year there are stories of soccer fans who try to go to Budapest and end up in Bucharest (or vice-versa).


I know some people propose replacing Confederate statues with statues of civil rights heroes and other African-Americans, but I think that at least some Confederate statues in the South should be replaced by statues of people like Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman.

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Yeah, that’s what I thought at first, but it was like 3 texts. It ended up being very anticlimactic, someone met her after we got off the plane. So it was either autocorrect or she was just lying, I’m going to go with lying for the intrigue.

A few years ago I had to take a train to work for a week after my car broke down, and one day I accidentally got on the southbound train instead of northbound. I was looking at my phone and listening to music and looked up to see what I thought was my train sitting there on what should have been the correct track. I ended up having to take a $40 cab ride to my $9.25/hr job. I’m just glad when the train started moving and I realized my mistake I didn’t react and start freaking out in front of the other passengers lol


The last business trip I went on before COVID was a meeting in DC. I had scheduled a morning flight for LGA on American, although I usually take Delta. Come the day, I was cutting it close as usual and told the cab to take me to the wrong terminal. By the time I realized my mistake, it was too late to get on my flight.

I took an Uber from LGA to Penn Station and booked a ticket on the Acela. There was tons of traffic as usual, and I barely made it to the train in time even after getting out of the Uber and running for the last couple blocks. I got to the meeting about 15 minutes late. Luckily one of my colleagues was already there to cover for me. That’s the only time I’ve missed a business flight.

I once went to the wrong airport. That really, really sucked.

Doesn’t LGA have flights to DC nearly every hour?

I’m surprised you chose to travel back to Manhattan to catch a train.

It does but the other flights were fully booked

Be a man. Murder a dude on one of those flights and assume his identity.

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I managed to get on the wrong plane once. Almost went to Minneapolis instead of Denver.

I’ve also booked my return flight for 3 months after my outbound flight due to United’s shitty interface that went off the last date I entered for a return flight in that session. I was looking at a future flight so it was off by months. It should have keyed off of the outbound flight.

i once booked a ticket for the next day (i think it was a sunday), instead of same day a week later. got super confused when i started getting texts to check-in immediately after purchase. thankfully it was biz travel, i just cancelled and rebooked. but could have been bad.

back when i was in consulting, i missed a flight a couple of times. once overslept in the morning. once dropped the car off too late, got to the gate when agent had closed it. she was about to put me on board until she saw my bag. said it wouldn’t be possible.

eta: i’ve never forgiven her

Rise and fall.


A shortened version of this randomly popped up in my YouTube feed. From March, so maybe it got a bunch of attention, but I just saw it today. Really interesting - the prosecutor figured out that the defendant was in the same room as the plaintiff during the Zoom hearing and she communicated with the police while the hearing was going on to get officers over there.

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Harris then tried to protest, but the judge interrupted him, saying, "Mr Harris, my advice is, don’t say anything else. Take the cigarette out of your mouth. The hearing is adjourned. Your bond is canceled. If you have $10 million, you can’t bond out. In addition, the prosecutor’s probably also going to charge you with obstruction of justice.”

Pretty good advice.

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Smoking during a court hearing wtf

Judge also said, “You’ve hit bottom and you’re continuing to dig.” That’s a choice line.

He only popped the cigarette when he was being taken into custody (still dumb). During the hearing, he was sitting up against a wall, trying to look like he was in a different location than the woman. It’s a pretty interesting video.

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Epic Games just cost Apple billions of dollars.