Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide



It’s real.

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Plaid Shirt Guy squared up vs the kangaroo so calmly it was like he was living through a foretold prophecy.


My favorite part is how stunned the kangaroo is. The look on his face is “wtf that guy punched me right in the face”.


I like the one where the guy gets ambushed by wildlife immediately upon setting foot in Australia.


I’ve seen that kangaroo video before. This one didn’t end as well.

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I’m gonna need this quantified. What kind of squat/bench/deadlift are we talking about here?

yeah the documentary i remember talked about preservation of milk with borax, which just made harmful bacteria in milk to grow unchecked and cause many spinal deformities in children. but it’s far from the only example.

gypsum was used to make break whiter, so you would essentially be eating half gypsum half flour. it caused malnutrition.

Yeah, I was going to post that factoid if nobody else did. I was going to link an article or two about Charla Nash but the photos are too gnarly. People who are really curious can google it themselves.

I don’t know if chimps work their pecs that much and I’m not sure they can stand well enough to squat but did find this highly scientific source speculating on the topic of chimp deadlifting.

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ACAB (all cows are (good) boys)


Thread :point_up_2:

why are two NHL teams playing 4 regular season games after the playoffs start

why are more teams than that still playing regular season games after the playoffs start

why can one round finish before others even begin game 2

why is the NHL so f’ing stupid

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

As silly as the people are who think they can beat a bear or whatever, wtf at people who can’t take a goose.


Agreed, feel like birds are way overrated here. They have fragile as hell bones. They can’t handle some blunt force easily.

You try taking a goose after 6 pints, 10 shots a few whiskeys and rum. :rofl:

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Still finding voter fraud out there

I think I’ve had as much as 4 beers once in the last 10 years. 6 pints and 10 shots would probably kill me.

As far as birds go, I wouldn’t eff with an eagle for sure. Those talons are sick. In Mongolia they use eagles to hunt wolves.


I think there are draft pick implications of the remaining Calgary vs Vancouver games. Both teams should try to lose.

Wouldn’t mess with a grown sea lion.

Def think I could take an eagle, but I wouldn’t want to try bare handed. They seem like they’re all offense and adapted to a certain sort of prey, though very effectively.

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