Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Yep geese are not to be fucked with either.

Luckily they tend to give themselves up as soon as they hear you, but their screeches are so loud you think there closer than they actually are, giving you if you run straight away enough time to bolt. :rofl:

Yeah I was walking past a vineyard in Italy which was being guarded by one of those little bastards. The screech made me jump out of my skin.

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I’d think going straight for the trunk, holding on while you swing some kicks

I don’t know why but I think i could take an eagle.

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This is cheating though. You shouldn’t be allowed any technology. Wear glasses? Confiscated. You go in bare-assed naked.


Yeah I don’t think I’ve been up close enough to an eagle to make a reasonable judgement.

I rented a trailer for a couple years from some weirdo in Sebastopol, California, and he had a bunch of geese that roamed the junkyard that made up his property. Everytime I left or returned those fucking geese would terrorize me. They have super scary barks and what appear to be lots of teeth. I had to keep GrapeNuts by my door and throw a bunch in the other direction to distract them. (cool thing about GrapeNuts is that the box is never empty)

Confirmed scared to take on an angry goose.


Chimps not getting nearly enough respect in that poll. They will fuck your shit up.


Rope a Dope imo.

Never ever go near a chimp, ever, even if it’s with a trainer is my advice, they ain’t dosile & can knock you down in a split second.

Infact it’s probably above the gorilla in how hostile they are.

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Ugh. Airsick now. Pilot should have warned us about turbulence.

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I don’t know if this is real and I don’t want to know; it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

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People probably just aren’t aware how strong they are. Which is understandable, it’s hard to tell from just eyeballing it.

But chimps are super strong. Like, imagine if somebody said, “chimps are super strong,” take whatever strength you’re imagining and triple it at least.


Eagles and hawks are terrifying. I’d never want to tangle with them.

One of the nice things about Ancient Rome is that they put these hypotheticals to the test.


Golden Eagle :point_up_2:

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