Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I think we really need to lean into this. Antivaxxers must be encouraged to avoid all public spaces where ANY vaccinated person has been EVER. They leave behind toxic nanochondria that turn you into Democrat voter. It is known.

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Hahaha this is gold. There is some fucking incredible hubris here. 31% of dudes taking on a large dog? 9% of dudes taking on a fucking GORILLA?? gtfo

I’m no slouch and I’m probably tapping out after “goose”

Poll also missing 5 year olds


Objectively, my rat odds might be good but I don’t think I’m walking away unscathed.

How do you “beat” a king cobra? (Or most of these other choices for that matter)

They couldn’t figure out how many to start with.

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The real question is, how many 5 year olds could you handle in a fight?

I’d rather fight a kangaroo than a cobra because I hate snakes. Not sure I’d win though I’ve seen those fuckers punch and kick.

I think if we could hear these people explain their thinking for how they would take a grizzly bear, unarmed, it would be massively entertaining.


Contest to the death to avoid ambiguity.


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I was going to say chimps seem to be a similar size but I looked them up and they’re way bigger than I thought and sound pretty nasty in a fight.

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I would also like to know their plan of attack to defeat the elephant.


I tapped oot at geese, one drunken night me and a friend somehow ended up getting attack by some geese after a shortcut went wrong, those birds are dangerous. :see_no_evil:


true, but you are taking them sometimes, as micronutrients. the bulk of your lifetime you are consuming natural matter

Yikes, Ireland health care system ransomed:

Their tongues have teeth, ffs.


I think house cats have been severely underestimated, if my sister’s lunatic cat (RIP) was anything to by.