Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

This in nutshell. Ex uncle in law was a small town cop. We went swimming in a lake. He dunked and held me under a couple of times, enjoying my panic. Fucking psychopath.

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The proud boys thing was some people with a bullhorn on a stage in a parking lot. I actually follow of lot of these protests on twitter. I’m interested in learning the details. Do you? This seems more like a philosophical argument you want to have vs. one grounded in what’s actually happening. I feel like you are for “must always show blind support for any group calling themselves antifa under any circumstances, learning details of each particular situation not important”.

Obviously if the proud boys have a protest way out in BFE, antifa isn’t trucking out there to fight them. I’m just saying maybe this one wouldn’t have been a big deal to sit out. Maybe white guys dressed in all black showing up to break windows at peaceful BLM protests where they aren’t wanted isn’t the best thing. Maybe continuing 200 nights of protests smashing things in downtown Portland, when there wasn’t a Proud Boy in sight, ceased to be productive at some point.

These guys in the Pacific NW have been around a lot longer than antifa. They’re bomb-throwing anarchists. The proud boys/patriot prayer (if they’re even still going) are just their latest foil.

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If you watch the video from the latest clash, the proud boys were having some kind of rally with a bullhorn on a stage, antifa showed up and were taunting them for a while, then eventually the two groups squared off and started fighting. Like literally squared off on both sides like the Jets and the Sharks. The cops seems to have decided to just let them fight rather than try to form a barrier between them. Both groups have their various weapons and helmets and shields and stuff.

Obviously the proud boys are horrible and so are the Portland police. But this is not a case of antifa just peacefully counter-protesting then getting their heads bashed in. They’re clearly there to fight and ready for it. Then when someone gets hurt they put out a video showing it like the proud boys just jumped them - and apparently a lot of people eat that up w/o having any idea what’s really going on. I’m sure the proud boys get a ton of mileage out of their fight videos as well.

As I said in my original post, yes antifa can be cringe and negative. When they’re breaking shit or showing up at blm and not just being an ally they suck. But they aren’t really an organization.

But in this instance showing up to counter protest proud boys is good. If you don’t push back the proud boy and kkk and nazi rallies will just grow.

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Will they though? Trump isn’t president anymore. I don’t think it’s a given that any gathering of Proud Boys, no matter how small, will always be an existential threat in perpetuity.

The KKK is a good example. At some point they ceased to be a huge threat and a lot of their rallies were just a dozen sad morons standing around. At that point, showing up and doing battle with them might actually help them recruit, vs. just ignoring them.

I don’t know if the Proud Boys have reached that level of fringe irrelevance yet. Probably not. But the clips of the rally I saw looked pretty lame. And the guys who ended up fighting seemed to like it.

I do admire antifa’s tactical phalanx here. Good discipline.

Ok I just watched a bunch more videos and “Proud Boys out of PDX” shows up a few times. I guess these lefty groups have decided anything inside city limits is their territory. Which seems like a reasonable stance.

The proud boys et al could have easily had their “Summer of Love” rally outside the city limits and spouted on their bullhorn all day. But they purposely kept it inside PDX to make a point. Attacking them was probably important to take a stand.

Unfortunately the far right groups seem to have had antfa and any other lefties who showed up ready to fight outnumbered. I admire the counter-protesters’ courage. Also there seem to be a surprising number of black proud boys in Portland.


I mean if the right wing dipshits did their lil rallies in rural areas nobody would care. They almost always do them in cities.

And yeah antifa or whatever brings weapons and mace and shit because they know the cops won’t help them and they will just be unarmed victims.

Honestly the mayor should put in a police chief who stops this so it goes back to being non violent


Time for Onlyfans to take a huge drop in their valuation and sell a sizable chunk to someone very connected who can solve their banking problems.

This is probably most of why they tried to get out of porn.

God forbid we just have a wildly profitable business and keep making tons of money in perpetuity. What’s the point of that?

I’m obviously having another productive day.


If you read it “stay hustle, humble hard” it reads like a doge meme.


Lol Blizzard. Come work for us and get punched in the face.


If it’s Blizzard they’re probably punching you somewhere else.

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That seems like a weird take. The Right don’t need a revolution, they win elections! The leadership of the GOP right now are reasonably congruent with the nuttiest members of their fringe and recent history teaches that they will rapidly drift rightwards at the behest of the base.

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You are right. That take is pure wishcasting by someone that needs to believe that American institutions are too strong to be overwhelmed by fascism. This flies in the face of all current facts, but it certainly is a pretty notion.

Hint: they’re fucking racist you imbeciles