Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I only had one lost bag, years ago, and the airline delivered it to my house within a couple of days.

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I had a lost bag on a holiday trip where I was flying to Detroit and then driving to St. Louis.

In Detroit, they showed up with someone else’s bag.

I go to St. Louis wearing my brother’s clothes. My Nazi stepfather, whose cop businesscard was tucked away in the bag from a couple years before, receives a call from a FedEx facility in Detroit asking if he lost a bag. Thankfully I am in the room as this happens because there’s no way his brain was going to put it together.

I did have my contact information on the bag, but it was admittedly a strange design where it would be easy for someone to miss the piece you had to pull up to see the identificatory information.

Even here I did get my bag back, a week later.

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Lol hilarious timing on this. Despite the update of “still looking for your bag” an hour or so ago, we just got a call saying our bag arrived at the airport and will be on its way to us shortly! Huge relief. The responses were helpful in calming our nerves a bit, and it looks like they were accurate too!


At the moment if you asked antifa and the proud boys in Oregon what they were protesting, I bet 99% would say the other group. They seem to need each other at this point.

Im sure by “need each other” you mean proud boys are coming in from out of town to do violence and antifa is trying to counter that. You know, same as it’s ever been. One side the ever aggressor.

Also pretty sure that most antifa who are there on the ground would be clear on their purpose. Thanks for sticking your head in though

Imagine reading a post about a nazi opening fire and then both side sing it. Trump would be proud


The proud boys were protesting to set free " political prisoners of January 6th ’

Letting Nazis, racists, and assholes march and protest without any counter protest seems like a terrible idea. I think most of Antifa are young angry kids and are often cringe with some of the shit they do, but putting their life on the line to counter protest Nazis deserves respect.

I’d prefer what we saw when Trump was in office and the proud boys getting drowned out by 10x more people peacefully protesting on the other side, but regular people obviously don’t want to go out there because the Portland police chief legit said they won’t get involved and everyone knows that means a free license for the nazis to violently attack leftists. So normal people don’t show up, but these guys did knowing all that.

Got a source now. Was on mobile before

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Mayor is an absolute fucking coward and I hope he gets voted out. Police chief openly just letting leftist protesters get brutally assaulted, property destroyed. Proud boys just running around jumping people and breaking into their cars etc.

Maybe when you only have hardcore antifa and zero groundswell of support from the community that’s a sign that the thing maybe isn’t worth protesting. BLM protests, Charlottesville counter protests - those things were largely organic, people just showed up.

From what I read the Proud Boys moved their BS protest out into the semi-boonies. What if you just let 100 of them or so spout into the void at the walmart or whatever they were at instead of turning it into a bloodbath?

I follow some Joshua Potash and some others on twitter and see all the stuff your talking about. Then when I go look at the proud boy version you see a different story. Both sides’ videos are always very carefully edited to make it look like the other side started everything. The truth is usually somewhere in between.

Take that handicap van. It was spread as if the proud boys just started trashing a para-transit van for no reason. Obviously that’s not exactly what happened. It was their van with a handicap sticker. When it was trashed I didn’t see any apparatus inside for moving wheelchairs. Both sides are fighting a propaganda war against each other. I feel like antifa took the wrong lesson from Andy Ngo.

I’m all for punching Nazis. I was happy when that asshole got shot in downtown Portland. But there’s a common sense limit to everything. Trump isn’t president anymore. There have always been small groups of racist morons having stupid little rallies and there always will be. Not everything is Charlottesville.

When antifa hit day 200 of the downtown Portland protests (are those still going on?) it kind of seemed like they’d lost the plot to me. I support antifa and think they’re a good thing. But these anarchist (and not the good kind like microbet, the nihilistic kind) kids in the Pacific NW have been around a lot longer than antifa, and they mostly just like to break shit from what I can see.

I talked to some hardcore BLM protesters in LA who said whenever the white guys in all black would show up they’d try to run them off before they could start breaking shit.


I’m still wrapping my brain around this:

He literally has “nevermind” tattooed across his chest.

Yeah, thought he did interviews bragging about being on the cover before or something. I could be wrong for sure.

What’s not to understand? He wants money.


Lol white people

I remember all those times I jacked it to the cover of Nevermind.

You are obviously not all for punching Nazis, you are all for punching Nazis, maybe, when it seems okay to you, which evidently has something to do with who is president(?), because I guess if a Democrat is president it’s okay to let fascists march through your town with impunity? Punching Nazis is what knocked down the Skinhead movement in the PNW, but obviously it’s not dead, and the best way to defeat fascism before it causes irreparable large-scale harm is when it is incipient and can still be fought.

Obviously you have a lot of fundamental disagreements with Antifa, or what you take to be Antifa’s views, which okay whatever, but to just post pictures as if the reasons for being in the street don’t matter is sloppy. You say you’re all for punching Nazis, and that is literally what is happening. Or maybe it’s only okay to punch them once they shoot, but not when they’re on the street holding weapons and yelling, “We’re going to kill you and everyone like you just as we have tried to do many times in the past”?

I think you view a Proud Boys march as just a big joke which it is not. It is a show of force and it must be countered and the people with the courage to put their bodies and lives on the line by confronting fascists in the streets should be lionized, not both-sidesed.


Same. Lost a bag on a flight from Iceland to London. Had to wait at the AirBnB for a weekend because they never specified when they’d show. But I did get it back.

The reality is that the last time this country had a big Nazi epidemic the solution was a bunch of professional strike breakers with steel pipes. If the cops are on the Proud Boys side it’s going to be really hard to match their violence. That they are walking around right now and not getting treated like terrorists by DHS right now is a major mark against the Biden administration.

These guys have reached a point where it’s time to send in the people who do violence for a living. These antifa kids are not who should be in harms way on this thing. They aren’t going to win without at the very least an unofficial state mandate to retaliate evenly… which right now would involve opening fire on the Proud Boys.

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I think @PocketChads would disagree here.

Wow, just wow at the rest of this post. :see_no_evil:

Edit: You are disinvited to any games at CelticFC from now on after this post.

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I agree in principle but I think the majority of the “people who do violence for a living” are fascists that support the Proud Boys. Who are you going to send?

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Yeah. There is a pretty fundamental problem here, which obviously manifests in our police - decent people hate violence and terrible people love it.