Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Some people get stranded in their hometown by a freak Christmas snowstorm and realize the chisel-cheeked bo-hunk they went to high school with is actually their soulmate. I’ve seen it happen 7 or 8 times on Lifetime.


It’s no different than urban people moving to worse urban areas due to economic reasons. You seem to look down on non city people and can’t understand a perspective different from your own. It’s not a good look.

It’s more that I grew up miserable and depressed as a teenager in a rural area and resent ever being there in the first place. The times I have had to go back as an adult have been connected with further misery and depression.

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RIP Tom T. Hall. I don’t know if he was a good guy or a bad guy, but I liked this song.

Came from a small town. Two things-you can do moderately well and live large in a small town and you can often live for super cheap, especially within an extended family system-trailer on the back 40 at Aunt Millies.


I totally get it for some of my former classmates. Some of them have had their family in that town for generations. Small town politics and family connections allowed them to have their future essentially planned out for them. Kinda sweet to have that setup. Of course if you’re connected to people who are connected to higher ups, you get some runoff benefits too.

But if you don’t have that, you’re an outsider to the community. There was always a figurative line between those who moved there (most who did were from cities like I was) and those who were born there. City folk kept to other city folk and country folk kept to themselves. I have to imagine if anything has changed a little, it’s that because I assume some of them have chosen to stay and had a family of their own. Or I’m naive and nothing can be done to break through.

Whatever. I’m rambling.

Men still swear more than women, and swearing still peaks in people’s 20s and declines thereafter, Love found.

I haven’t peaked yet. Fuck yeah

Gobshite is a glaswegian word and quite appropriate for the photo as that’s a godshite right there.


I think you’re thinking of the limnic eruption at Lake Nyos in Cameroon in 1986.

Lake Nyos is a crater lake, meaning it’s unusually deep for the area it covers. There’s not a lot of seasonal temperature changes near the equator, and the pressure at the bottom of the lake kept a ton of carbonated CO2 gas dissolved. When it was all released, it killed like 1700 people.

One of my all-time favorite podcasts (sadly gone dark for the last two years) did an episode on it.

If you have 30 minutes, everyone should listen to it, it’s fascinating.


An old show that I used to love called Naked Archaeologist did an episode where they tried to come up with plausible explanations for the biblical plagues.

For first-born sons, they reasoned that in some places it was common for first-born sons to get the best bed in the house, while the rest of the family slept on the roof. So one of these carbon monoxide things came through one night in some village and killed all the first-born sons, and the legend was born.

Just typing that sounds ridiculous. But I swear they somehow made it sound plausible at the time.

Hello, even in those rare instances where a hurricane directly impacts New England I’m still not supposed to be right in the middle of some damn cone. This is unacceptable and I would like to speak to Henri’s manager.



Amazing. I already follow Michael Harriot. Montell Jordan just earned a follow.

He was definitely an elite songwriter. Good stuff.

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The Humpty Dance always annoyed me because even though Sir Humpty explains at length how to do the Humpty Dance and what it should look like when properly done, I still can’t visualize at all what the Humpty Dance is. It’s not great songwriting.

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The Human League song has always bugged me. He does his whole “Don’t you want me” spiel. Then she comes back and explains how it was great while it lasted, but she’s ready to move on, etc. Then he comes back with the exact same spiel. He didn’t even listen to a word she said. Men amirite!

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I’m having the gf vacate the premises on LI for the apartment in Manhattan. She’s got way too many trees on her property for my liking. Last time the storm of the century blew through and I made her leave was Christmas Eve. We’re all gonna die

First you limp to the side like your leg was broken. But also it’s supposed to look like a fit or a convulsion? Doesn’t make sense to me.

When Hall and Oates says, “Let the carbon and monoxide choke my thoughts away” - drives me nuts every time.

Same with Joan Baez, “Someone I’ve known, a couple of light years ago.”