Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


applicable to everywhere


How do we break it to him that it is all rich white american men who ate screwing him over? Will he take it ok?

My friend has an American born son named henri pronounced Henry. I think it’s actually short for henrick. Which is named after an Armenian.

This is the weirdest case. Married couple, their 1-year-old, and dog all found dead on a hiking trail with no signs of trauma or struggle. It has to be some kind of gas or the weirdest suicide ever. Toxic algae wouldn’t kill them all that fast.

This is a pretty solid youtube engineering vid.



Stuff Made Here is an excellent channel in general


I vaguely recall a story like this from when we were kids.

eta: I think I’m thinking of some place in Africa. Near Lake Victoria maybe.

jesus christ



Thought to myself as I was online that I haven’t been to where I spent my teenage years in nearly 20 years.

I checked out some recent pictures and it looks exactly as it did almost 20 years ago.

Nothing has changed about that place. Literally everything looks the same. No new businesses or attractions. No new industries developing or anything of the sort. Even the schools are the same as when I graduated.

How can people stay in a place that has been frozen in time for 20 years? More importantly, why the hell do most of my classmates still live there? I fucking couldn’t wait to get out of there. I guess a bunch of them get their parent’s job or business through some small town connections and all that. But shit that makes you feel trapped there. Depressing as fuck.

Some people want everything to be predictably the same.

I’m not talking same as in routine. I’m talking same as in there have been literally no improvements to anything there. I even checked some of the businesses in the area and everything about them is the same too. The same park. The same shitty hospital. Unless you have connections there, the only jobs you’ve got is minimum wage fare. That and opioids.

What’s weirder is people moving to even worse rural areas. Like, how do you not want to kill yourself? Do you hate cities and “city folk” so much that you’re willing to make your own life worse?

Yes, this is literally what many people want. They have different values than you and they are absolutely willing to trade some economic opportunity in order to live that lifestyle.

You’re probably conflating those tendencies with right wing dipshit culture because the two very often coexist. But there are lots of lefty versions of it too. There are all those flighty artist-types living in quaint little touristy towns. Plenty of hippies out there in the rural hinterlands. More than a couple Unstuck regs have or want to get off the grid a bit.

Lots and lots of people just really hate the bustle of cities and don’t rely on that sort of external stimulation for personal life contentment.


Some people take pride in where they grew up and decide to raise a family there. Or follow in their parent’s foot steps. Some people like to keep their world small and want no neighbors.

I was reading about Kendra Smith, lead singer for a band called Opal. Supposedly threw her guitar on the stage and quit to go off to live alone in the woods in N California with no electricity except for solar. I can see that.