Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

“I would be super proud of you if you chose to get the vaccine,” Kinyon says in the video. “We’ll just keep getting variants over and over until people get vaccinated… It could end in five seconds if people would get vaccinated.”

She was not wearing a mask in the video.

“This is my classroom, and if you guys are going to put me at risk, you’re going to hear about it,” she added. “Because I have to be here. I don’t have to be happy about the fact that there’s kids coming in here with their variants that could possibly get me or my family sick. That’s rude, and I’m not going to pretend like it’s not.”

She also told the students, “Most of y’alls parents are dumber than you. I’m going to say that out loud. My parents are freaking dumb. Okay, and the minute I figured that out, the world opened up. You don’t have to do everything your parents say. And you don’t have to believe everything your parents believe. Because most likely you’re smarter than them.”

She told another student in the video, “You can believe what you want to believe, but keep it quiet in here because I’m probably going to make fun of you. I’ll just say this, here are the topics that you’ll probably want to avoid. Politics, which you went into, because you asked me… If you don’t believe in climate change, get the hell out…. That’s pathetic that you think that, you’re the problem with the world, OK.”

In the video, Kinyon says she is the Gay-Straight Alliance student club adviser. According to Lehi High School’s faculty page, where she is still listed, she teaches Chemistry and Marine Biology.

She brought the club up saying, “If you’re a homophobe, get the hell out. Because I’m the GSA faculty advisor, I love gay people, all the LGBTQIA+ mother [expletive]. If you don’t like it get out. If I hear you say a damn word against any of them I will open a can and I will make your life a living hell. If you give shiz to any LGBTQ kid in the school, I will hear about it and you will be in trouble.”

In the video, she condemned former President Donald Trump, saying, “I hate Donald Trump. I’m going to say it. I don’t care what y’all think — Trump sucks. He is a sexual predator. He is a literal moron. Don’t tattle on me to the freakin’ admin; they don’t give a crap.”

Narrator: The admin DID give a crap


Utah is a bizarre state sometimes.

Political discussions in the classroom are limited to propaganda in board approved textbooks and abstinence only sex ed, thank you very much.

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Oh man this is going to be months of content for fox and the right wing media machine. She’s right about everything but I don’t know wtf she was thinking.

This will be proof teachers are indoctrinating your children smh.

That said I get it. She has to teach in person and has to deal with kids who’s parents are fucking morons and won’t let them get vaccinated and it puts her family at risk. I’m sure it’s stressful, terrifying, and shitty on top of how bad teachers are already treated. Likely just had a breakdown.

The teachers are almost as worn out as the nurses at this point I’d imagine. Many of them have masters degrees to work long hours for usually <50k a year. Imagine trying to live on that in 2021 in a major metro while getting exposed to COVID every single day. The benefits packages aren’t even all that great anymore.

It’s every traditionally female profession breaking simultaneously under the weight of wildly unrealistic requirements and responsibilities for the pay basically. Long overdue IMO, if these jobs are so important they should pay like it.

That teacher will almost certainly get a better job than teaching in <30 days in this job market and she’ll probably look back on that rant as the moment when the dam broke and her life changed for the better. That’s what we’re systematically doing to people for having the temerity to want to help people for a living. We’re breaking them.

It’s such a depressing state of affairs that simply telling the truth is considered “having a meltdown.” White boomers have just bullied the whole country into submission.

No chance my US history teacher has a job today. He would make us read the textbook, then read “A People’s History” from the same time period. Guy was great.

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Agree with everything but the bolded.

Unless you mean “better” as in better for mental health. That’s almost certainly true.

Better pay? Eh, not so sure.

Lol my 10th grade history teacher had like a full blown meltdown in class the day Reagan died. Crying and everything. I remember him yelling at one of my classmates who said that Reagan wasn’t a good president.

8th grade history I thought my teacher was great at the time. Like, really passionate about both history and teaching. But he also loved talking about how Robert E Lee actually didn’t like slavery, the war was very complicated, etc etc. I didn’t pick up on that until I got to college and became aware of confederacy apologetics. Tbh I don’t even think he was malicious… like I think the guy just genuinely thought there must be a reason all those great men fought for the south beyond wanting to own slaves.

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Salt Lake City is an extremely hot job market IIRC. She can get a job as a standard corporate drone and get better pay/advancement and similar healthcare benefits. Obviously nobody is going to give her a teachers pension anywhere else, but that’s pretty overrated vs an extra 10-20k a year that can be invested for retirement and a 401k.

Good opportunity to post this.


Was he bad at grammar and did he ever talk about working for the Census Bureau?


You know, he didn’t look all that different tbh. Like, if Mason went on a crash diet and dropped 50 lbs he could have been Mr. Price from 8th grade.

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My kid’s history teacher (public school) had the kids reading from A People’s History.

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My 11th grade history teacher constantly recommended A People’s History, but we never read any of it. Absolutely hated that class, though. Like, it was pretty left wing and such as things go, but I hated the teacher, and the left wing politics seemed to be coming from a place of team sport rather than compassion for other people.

Edit: Dammit should have put a pic of Robert E. Lee in the photo frame.


For anyone who feels guilty about returning stuff they buy online, you might be comforted by the fact that apparently 30-40% of clothing/apparel bought online is returned.

Alternatively, you could be horrified, since retailers end up throwing away about a quarter of returns.

The entire fashion industry is an ecological crime tbh. Fast fashion is basically the opposite of what everyone should be buying. And of course I’m a huge hypocrite on this. That said now that I’m not poor my plan is to support clothing makers who make products designed to last practically forever… which is how I ended up buying a bunch of socks at 20 bucks a pair recently. Hopefully those are the last socks I buy for 10+ years.

Did they come with a free bridge connecting 2 NYC boroughs?

Wheeeee! Maybe he just really wants Breyer to resign.

After years of delay and billions in cost overruns, the James Webb Space Telescope is going to launch in just a few months!

I positively can’t wait to see the data that comes back from this project, from exoplanets to the oldest questions about the universe.

Here’s a great longform article about it to whet your appetite: