Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Said something similar to this to my students last year. Definitely worked to push them getting the vaccine.

There’s no reason to take this out on your students. They are as much the victims of irresponsible health policies as teachers are. Students and teachers should be in this together.

I’ve never directly said this but I have made it clear to my students that they are either already smarter than or will likely become smarter than their parents in the future.

This is not acceptable IMO. Coming across opinions and ideas and using your judgment to determine their validity is a part of the pursuit of knowledge. A responsible teacher would invest time into providing the tools needed for students to assess the information they’re facing rather than striking ideas down outright.


When the James Webb Space Telescope was conceived, in 1996, it was a ten-year, five-hundred-million-dollar project named the Next Generation Space Telescope.

NASA might have to go back to this name.

I don’t think the name is problematic

Other than Kennedy stroking the check, James Webb was probably the person single-most responsible for getting us to the moon

I am so nervous about all the things that have to go right for that thing to deploy properly. There is no possible rescue mission to fix it like we did with the Hubble.

“Telescope McTelescopeFace” here we go!


I should have given some context for my comment. Most of my heroes have turned out to be assholes. Maybe we shouldn’t name stuff after people.

NASA investigates renaming James Webb telescope after anti-LGBT+ claims

Some astronomers argue the flagship observatory — successor to the Hubble Space Telescope — will memorialize discrimination. Others are waiting for more evidence.

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The Native Americans knew how to name shit.

I wish people got excited about space telescopes the way they get excited about barely sending rich primates into space.

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Oh most definitely.

I had a high school teacher who I saw break up a fight in a classroom by grabbing the aggressor by the neck like the Undertake would preparing for a choke slam and jacking him up off the ground against a wall for a solid 5 seconds.

Teacher would really be in some hot water, if not locked up, for what he did now if there was video.

Anyone here know about Reston or Northern Virginia?

This seems like a bold strategy shift:



I lived in NoVa right by the Huntington Metro for two years, not really an expert on the area, tho.

A company there reached out to me for an interview and I’m going to entertain it. I have no idea about that area at all and not sure if I want to move there. Population is only 70k and I much prefer being it a city. The commute seems horrendous if I were to live in DC though. I’ll probably request to be remote if it ever gets to the point. Just seeing if anyone had opinions on the area.

Ah, so they hate money and are going to try to compete directly with Twitch?


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If you lived in DC and commuted to NoVA, you’d be going against traffic, but idk how much better it would be.

From a brand perspective I would think that ship has sailed and they should sell OnlyFans and start a new non-porn version. Which is, what, people paying celebs for special content I guess?

The tumblr gambit

I have a feeling this is coming from their legal team. Probably something to do with having to follow X regulations that they arent comfortable inplementing

Explains why. They want to get more money and banks and payment processors are scared of adult content.

Nudity will still be allowed but I guess nothing sexually explicit. I am guessing Playboy like.

It’s going to ruin them as a massive amount of their providers are doing more than playboy, or at least I assume.

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I haven’t spent much time in Reston, but I know a little about the area.

  1. As you noted, the population isn’t huge, but, compared to some other parts of NoVa, it has tried to build with a little bit of density. The biggest draw is something called Reston Town Center (Reston Town Center - Wikipedia ) which is a kind of mixed use cluster of an outdoor mall, restaurants, apartments, businesses, etc. The demographics are relatively upscale professionals who live in either apartments or townhouses and can either walk, bike, or have a short drive to work. It won’t have the same city feel as DC proper, but depending on where you live/work, you won’t be living in complete sprawl.

  2. I personally wouldn’t sign up for the gig if you were planning on driving out from DC proper every day. As Trolly said, you would be doing a bit of a “reverse commute”, but IMO a lot of the frustration of that commute is (a) traffic in DC itself, which doesn’t really have a directionality [rush hour kinda sucks everywhere, at least in pre Covid times] and (b) just having a car in the city limits some of your housing options and makes things more expensive b/c of parking and insurance.

  3. Not sure of your time horizon, but I expect the population and density of that area will increase once the metro extension is completed. The most recent estimate I found says early 2022, but Metro isn’t exactly known for getting things done on schedule.
    Silver Line Phase 2 will open no earlier than February 2022, MWAA says | Reston Now

At the very least, it’s probably worth digging in a little more to see where, if you did work in person, the office is relative to the station. If it’s close, you might be able to live in DC and just take the Metro out whenever you needed to be in the office.

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