Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Sentence diagramming is biggest waste of time in English. You couldn’t bribe me to teach them to my students.

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He should have his first name legally changed to “Your Mom Sucks”.



Sick brag, but I know how to subtract 9 directly and don’t need to subtract 10 then add 1. Subtract 10 and the “ones” column stays the same and the “tens” column decreases by 1. Subtract 9 and the “ones” column increases by 1 and the “tens” column decreases by 1.


Oh, well if you’re just reducing the 10s column by 1 then increasing the ones column by 1 and not subtracting 10 then adding 1, it’s obviously totally fine.

My brain is so good a pattern recognition, I can actually get from 95 to 86 without going 85 + 1.

Your method is the one with the extra step.

me: 82 - 49 = 82 - 40 - 9 = 42 - 9 = 33

you: 82 - 49 = 82 - 50 + (50 - 49) = 82 - 50 + 1 = 32 + 1 = 33

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We don’t do that in the US.

I’m terrible at mental math. I can barely count cards.


Ok. That seems weird. Why not let people study at their natural rate and do extra exams if it interests them?

I’m not sure how I do it. I think I add 30 to 49 and add another 3, making 33.

We don’t have exams. We take the SAT or ACT and go to college after 12th grade.

We do have the P(re)SAT - a practice test that can also get you a national merit scholarship. But it doesn’t get you out of school early.

I think he’s basically talking about AP exams.

Oh yeah I did AP calc. But as a physics major it didn’t get me out of any college classes. I think AP english and AP history might have gotten me 3 hours of credit each.

42 - 9 = 33 is still two steps unless you really memorized exactly just 42 - 9 = 33. You are iterating one digit down and iterating another digit up.

You have:
separate x9 into x + 9
multiply through by -1
subtract by iterating two digits, one up the other down

He has:
iterate two digits, but I’d count another step here where you have to recognize that iterating 9 to 0 is different than normal counting
subtraction simplified to one digit iteration
then iterating one digit
added overhead of remembering that one digit iteration from an earlier step

Can’t really compare the cognitive loads here, but I think your algorithm is a lot simpler and maybe later, if I’m really up for doing something not at all productive, I’ll try to write something up in Rust - how about that @bobman0330 ?

I think the exam system in the UK is pretty different than AP exams here.

I was given the option to skip a year at some point in grade school. Maybe like 4th grade? Neither I nor my parents were too hot on the idea and I didn’t do it.

If I had the option to stay in the same year as my friends but get some self study algebra courses or something instead of going through long multiplication or whatever again, I might have considered it, but like… there’s some real social stigma if you’re an overachiever in school. At least where I went to grade school and high school. It sucked.

It probably sucked just as hard for a kid who was struggling to figure out math at age 10, I guess.


OK I keep not posting this because I feel like a dumbass, but my brain subtracts 30 from 82, then subtracts 3 from 52 to get to 49, and 30 + 3 = 33.

Yes it sounds very different.

Here we study for GSCE exams at 16 in many subjects (used to be called O levels or GCEs), and A levels (usually 3) at 18 which universities set minimum required grades for.

America is weirdly inconsistent sometimes.

The land of the free (ie you’re on your own) when it comes to sink or swim economics and health care, but holds kids back when they show potential for a subject and has an ALMOST SOCIALIST NFL draft system to prevent successful clubs buying all the best players as happens in real football in THATS SOCIALISM Europe.