Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

That’s the best moving story I’ve heard. Great job.

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in lol haralabob tweet news

Liz Warren an attack dog for the banks lmaoooooo

What the fuck is he talking about? I’m quite sure Liz Warren wants to tax the shit out of both banks and rich people.

She wants to regulate crypto.

Hahaha of course. Good forbid something whose proven uses are (checks notes) buying drugs and child porn, tax evasion and money laundering be subject to literally any regulation.


When you valet your car at a hotel that you’re staying at for ~1 wk which of these tipping protocols is correct:

  • every time you leave
  • every time you arrive
  • every time you leave and every time you arrive
  • not that posh to get a car valeted

Every time you leave.


If I’m feeling super baller I’ll tip at drop off but normally just when I pick it up.


Every time>at drop off>at pick up

Extra at check in and out.

Some dude at my gym gave me one of these things he was trying to market. It holds books or magazines open when you need your hands free.

For 15 years that thing just collected dust until I finally decided this is ridiculous and got rid of it. Now of course I just realized it would be perfect for transcribing my notes that I make in books I’m using for research for the book I’m writing.

Lesson: always hoard.

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Speech to text?

Yeah maybe - but I don’t know how to say “iOS notes start a new bullet point” or “put this note in the Post-Somoza category” - so I still need to touch the computer.

It’s an interesting idea though. Hmmm.

Ahh, right. I was just thinking about the task of getting the text transcribed, but of course that’s only part of it.

Yeah but i can always say something like “new bullet” then do a global search and replace later. I think “return” might even work.

One problem is all the Spanish names will get fucked up.

I’m going to try it. I hate sitting at the desk going back and forth between the book and computer.


New ContraPoints:

ETA: It’s pretty good. Breaks off to discuss Nietzsche in the middle.

This is my default. Agree on the baller part too.

I was wondering about bolded as well. I can definitely see the logic in that. What is your reasoning.

The person you tip on the way in decides where your car goes. Tip them and there’s actual utility to the tip.

This is working really well. Thank you! I have my book open and just dictate each note into my phone.

I was trying to figure out how to get it to return. Tried “return” and “enter”. Then I googled “ios talk to text new line” and duh - “new line”.

It even makes a new bullet. I was afraid it might do soft new line.

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