Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Looks like Angus came off the line first but Chance caught up and was going to win until he practically stopped before the finish line while Angus powered through the finish thanks to his human parter throwing a giant red toy.

I dictate about 90% of what I write these days.

Makes for some awkward moments every once in awhile. I frequently will say my punctuation on a voicemail for example.

That one corgi who went diagonal to be a part of the fight in the middle of the field track ran faster than any of them.


Springsteen and her stallion, Don Juan van de Donkhoeve

I don’t even know what planet I’m on any more.


Lol donkhovements

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Surprise! Gigachad Haralabros almost always turn out to be good at one narrow range of things and have terrible takes on everything else.

This dude pulled a Karen at a grocery store in Arcadia. This is the best CSI enhance anyone’s been able to do so far. @microbet - that look like it says Energo Solar to you?


Shit I think that’s it.

Yeah I found that. On LinkedIn. Where the company link goes to some unrelated Asian sports site.

Looks like it’s permanently closed.

Most likely this guy is not Jack Lee unless he has an Asian name and lives with two women with Asian names (I found him by looking up the address). So Jack Lee was probably the owner.

I’m now going down a rabbit hole looking at ex Energo Employees on LinkedIn. I reached out to one. All 6 past employees I can find on LinkedIn are Asian, which means they might want to help, and also points to Jack Lee the owner being Asian.

@LFS this requires your special set of skills.

Guy needed this done to him on the spot.

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I found one of the ex-Energo employees on Facebook (hoping I could find the culprit among her friends). She’s young, Chinese-American, and like a psycho Trump fan. Ugh. Also she doesn’t hide her posts but does hide her friends. So that didn’t work.

Update: I have now found the former owner of Energo and some of the employees on Facebook. It’s funny, even if you block your friends from showing, it still shows when anyone likes any public posts. So you can scroll through that list and find lots of friends.

Still don’t think this is helping as I doubt they’re going to be FB friends with some asshole installer from 4 years ago. And that dude doesn’t seem like the FB type. But maybe I can find a pick of the whole work crew.

Oh yeah - the owner is a psycho Trump fan too of course.

The whole company is super Christian and Chinese. I think I’ve hit a dead end with any connections to the round-faced white guy in the vid. They sure as hell aren’t being FB friends with him, or ever showing pics of the whole company together. The owner doesn’t even mention the company and seems to spend all his time traveling. Maybe sourcing materials or something.

If you’re into this stuff, look up Charlie Zelenoff.


He could have gotten the shirt at goodwill. Could have worked for a customer of the company (I have gotten shirts from several distributors). Often those shirts are more promotional item than uniform.

Mama put my guns in the ground
I can’t shoot them anymore

Looks like a dead end. The whole company is very insular Christians. If this guy worked there he wasn’t anyone’s friend - or yeah he could be a vendor or picked it up at a convention or something.

I’ve been seeing this article linked a bunch over the past week but ignoring it because lol David Brooks. Finally gave in to curiosity and it’s surprisingly not all terrible. Don’t get me wrong, it is David Brooks. There are bits of terribleness throughout, and he completely face plants a couple times, but he’s the most high profile Boomer I’ve seen point in the mirror and accurately identify major faults.

Although again with the damn zoning crap. I want to smack the crap out of whoever is responsible for successfully astroturfing deregulation into an allegedly leftist affordable housing policy.