Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Semi related but we did takeout catered meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas from a local restaurant we like, and I’m not sure we’ll ever go back to cooking our own. Delicious food with zero effort made it so much easier to enjoy the holiday.

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I enjoy cooking, as does my wife and at least one of my kids, and we did this and we will absolutely do it again. We still made a couple of extra side dishes but I have no interest in cooking a whole bird ever again.

100%. I always sit at the bar at my local sushi place. I can even tell the difference between the head chef and his like 50-year-old apprentice lol. I think it’s in how he packs the rice. I guess it could be in how he cuts the fish. Or it might be all in my head.

I like to go mid-week when it’s only the master. One time on a Friday night I asked if I could reserve the end of the bar where I know the head chef works. Even though I didn’t say why, they looked at me like I’d just committed a grave transgression. Never asked for that again.

I’m not always a food snob. I’ll eat ok sushi no problem. But if I’m gonna spend a $100+ per person (with saki), I want everything right.

The great thing is my local place that I can walk to from my house is $45 for the omakaze, $65 with bluefin, and it’s really really good. I love living in LA.

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Do y’all have these little free libraries things?

I've been looking for these two books forever


Yes, but mostly they’re full of kid-friendly books ime.

I’ve seen 3 of them in the area.


There are a lot of those around here. In Aptos, CA I saw one with food in it. Little free pantry.

eta: Not the one I saw, but an example

Amazing thread. I never knew this existed.


Definitely spent way too much for fried chicken at a restaurant in DC.

But it was totally worth it

I saw one in Luxembourg once. You take one book out but you’re supposed to replace it with one of your own.

We have one across the street that I’ve been meaning to leave some books at (bye, Malcolm gladwell books I bought while I was in college)

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There are a couple library house things in my neighboorhod, I’ve never looked to see what kind if books are in them

There are tons of $100+ options for NYC takeout. Back when I lived in Brooklyn there was a GrubHub type service literally called “Caviar” that only worked with more upscale places (I think they broadened their scope eventually)

This is a good enough lead in to my gripe of the week. I hate delivery and almost never get it, but I have a credit card that gives me $15 in “Uber cash” each month. It’s easy for me to use this since I don’t have a car, but since I haven’t been using car services much during COVID, I sometimes try to use this for Uber Eats delivery. However, even with the discount (and a free Uber pass - which supposedly gives me free delivery) it is impossible to get a meal that is worth the price. I tried again this week because they sent me a 50% off coupon. Even with the 50% off + $15 +“free” delivery, my bill including tip for a bowl of pho, spring roll and coffee from a local hole in the wall still set me back fourteen bones. And it look longer then just walking there and getting it myself where I could eat it hot for about the same price. It is unfathomable to me that anybody is actually using this service. How lazy do you have to be to be spending that much money to get some kid to fetch dinner for you?


About as lazy as the median spoiled American (or Canadian, for that matter).

It’s for drunk or high people who don’t want to order pizza

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This is easily explained by the fact that when Cruz entered Princeton in 1988 the M/F ratio was still only about 60/40. For many, beer-pounding skill lasts a lifetime. On top of that, Cruz probably drank even more than average in college since nobody liked him.