Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I’ll be damned if I’m going to bring pineapple Jellx salad to my next potluck.

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I was too much of a brown noser to pull this off, but I can think of at least two kids in my high school Spanish class who would have insisted that they were not going to bother learning whether an object was an “el” or a “la” and would just slap a x onto the end of every word just to mess with our teachers.


My more woke compatriots do this a lot: chicxs, muchachxs, compañerxs etc. Only when referring to people, not animals/objects etc.

Our green party tries to sabotage their own election success. Today they got barred from getting secondary votes in one federal state during the next general election this year. Luckily its a small one but could still end up being 1% less of the votes in the end. Greens and the CDU are close enough that 1% could matter who has the most votes and the biggest chance to lead the next government.



Speaking of, I’m playing hookie today. My very beautiful ex invited me to come to a resort in newport and hang out with her, I guess her rich ex mother in law put her and the kids up for a week.

Beautiful woman inviting me to a sweet ass resort right on the beach? Gotta take a sick day on that.

That said I hate that I feel guilty about it. My trainer who would normally cover me is out too apparently. But I told my people to go help shipping, which does badly need help so should be ok.


Yglesias has a take.

This might be true, idk. But most people, including me, probably just don’t really care how others label them as long as it’s not a slur.

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I thought you were talking about Canada’s green party at first

Gf and I probably have a dozen or so mystery bites on each of our bodies. Apparently we’re not the only ones, which is a bit of relief (wish I knew that before I tore up the bed looking for bedbugs). These are the itchiest fucking bites I’ve ever had, not even close.

I think this is mostly based on language interference. As @LouisCyphre has pointed out, solely based on English grammar „Latin“ would be a very reasonable word to use. However as this is about identity Spanish and its grammar will play a role - consciously or subconsciously - for a lot of speakers. So if Lantina or Latino is an important marker culturally, but using gender-neutral terms is equally important to some people you come up with Latinx.
Mostly I try to use the term that people use for themselves but in some situations like the one you described that is not really possible.
As I also teach students in a language that does use grammatical genders I always tell my students that I don’t really care what they do with this situation as long as they are consistent and have an explanation for their usage that the majority of their readers (so actually I personally) most likely would not find offensive.


Article is super paywalled. But apparently they weren’t making any money on it and hated making it. It looks awesome though. I’d try it once. The hamburger was probably originally a joke too.

Why not up it to $100 or whatever their normal mark up is and reap the yuppy money.

I would want to try it once. Looks good.

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I’d pay $14 for it.

I bet there’s a big untapped market out there in cities like SF, LA, NYC for $100 fancy takeout. Like once-a-week splurge thing for yuppies.

But not fine dining food slopped into a bucket. Food like fried rice that travels pretty well.

Sugarfish and Kazu Nori got u gurl.

Yeah those probably work ok. But nothing beats fresh sushi handed to you by the chef or quickly delivered to your table - where the rice is still warm and the fish is still cool.

I’d pay $100 for a fancy fresh caught wild salmon bowl. We bought some super fresh wild salmon at Monterey Fish Market and grilled it back at our vrbo - best fish I ever ate.

I don’t know if they’ll keep it up post reopening, but a bunch of fancy places here pivoted to upscale comfort food takeout only during the lockdown). Think $80 meatloaf dinner for two (full spread w/ mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, etc. - desert and wine cost extra). Food blogs couldn’t wait to tell you about the latest place serving up a $50 fried chicken.

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Meatloaf and fried chicken travel pretty well.

A very famous sushi chef said that if you go to a high end sushi place you need to get a seat at the bar, because the sushi won’t taste the same if the waiter carries it across the room, because it will warm up in transit. Most of us probably couldn’t taste the difference I bet, but the serious sushi people are very serious.