Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


Nutritionally comparable. Climate friendly. And only 3x the price!

Fortunately, I almost never eat beef. Cook a whole chicken ~monthly. Pork only occasionally.

Sweet Christmas, domesticating cows was a mistake.

It’s cheugy as fuck according to Instagram influencers i.e., the people who really matter.

I got no beef with artificial meat.

I’m also proud to say that I avoided meat on my meat day. Back to vegetarianism.

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I wonder how the water accounting is done on the plant materials. Is some or most of the water for soybeans/peas assigned to other parts of the plant. It should be lower but that low?

Just know that there is no absolute standard for life cycle analysis or land use analysis. The joke is “what do you want the LCA to be” when asked.

Some of it is pretty good with some rigor. Some of it is company/industry propaganda.

Confused by that graph. How are animals taking water out of the water cycle? Don’t they just pee it back in?

They are eating huge amounts of plants and inefficiently converting that to meat.

I’d also guess the urine and the moisture in feces are not considered conserved. Interesting question though. Not sure.

It comes out of the reservior/aquifer and ends up evaporating (and respiration). Mostly animals use the water that is used in growing the food they eat.

Dolly still GOATing it up.


Bear disagrees:


The fact that this guy, the son of a Conservative politician, is considered a survivalist is laughable. The guy lived a childhood of luxury and privilege. He’s basically Britain’s Meghan McCain.

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Am I the only one here who had to look up what ‘cheugy’ meant?


I looked it up and am afraid to ever use it because that would exemplify it’s meaning.

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Having any backsplash preference at all means something has gone wrong in your life.

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The thing about water used by beef cattlle and dairy cows is that it goes in clean and comes out contaminated. Runoff from feedlots contaminates surface and ground water. They produce so much manure that it tends to be overused in agricultural applications to get rid of it. Some of that gets into the water too.

See for example, Groundwater contamination from animal agriculture - Wikipedia. Says 7% of CA people are drinking cow pee and poo.

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My floral accent tile is timeless


I take it back. That’s pretty sick.

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