Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Should we talking about the bourgeoisie instead of the “middle class”?

It’s more like the. petit-bourgeoisie.

Non-class warfare post:

When my brother and I were kids we had lots of Legos which we approached with the totally normal and appropriate method of building the boxed model once, smashing it, then chucking all the pieces in the giant Lego box to be repurposed for later things (except for the strategically located stray piece waiting to be stepped on).

My younger half-brother also got lots of his own sets, plus what he inherited from us. His frequent babysitter was an anally retentive aunt who didn’t understand the toy and made him keep each model segragated in its own little baggy with the instructions. This just completely ruined the best value of the toy and broke my heart.


I just found them all.

They’re all from the mid-90’s and complete. Value today is… $1k? $2k? More?


I think the chairs in the dining room are even worse.

Also if you don’t think that the first kitchen is not closer to your concept of middle class than the second one, Americans do indeed seem to have a weird concept of what is middle class.

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Wow, that’s bizarre. Could be worked into a Wes Anderson movie.

Ha I distinctly remember building and playing with that exact set in the top box, the underwater submarine-type thing. I think I had a whole series from that set. Thanks for the dose of nostalgia.

Edit: “value new: $89” not bad at all

Yea many of these have prices in the hundreds for a single set, damn. Less for used obv but still pretty good.

I don’t remember if I learned this because it was already posted here but there’s an app called Brickit that will tell you what you can build with a mixed assortment of Legos with instructions how to do it too.

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Literally everyone.

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I wanna finish a 1200 sq ft house in Hadrian limestone just to fuck with people.

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In an article posted by the Sunday Times, the “Stillwater” actor was discussing “changes in modern masculinity” when he launched into a story about why he stopped using the offensive term, which he says “was commonly used when I was a kid, with a different application.”

“I made a joke, months ago, and got a treatise from my daughter,” Damon told the Times. “She left the table. I said, ‘Come on, that’s a joke! I say it in the movie Stuck on You!’ She went to her room and wrote a very long, beautiful treatise on how that word is dangerous. I said, ‘I retire the f-slur!’ I understood.”

I found this part interesting:

I mean I get where the critics are coming from, but to actually get significant backlash from that statement seems like a bit much.

It only take one person to throw a fit. Then everybody who already hates Damon jumps on top of the pile while simultaneously feeling superior to all others who aren’t acting as offended as they claim to be.

I guess there’s some rush to that and also a lack of accountability for any negative consequences due to the anonymity of social media.

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Also the “father of daughters” line is poisoned, it’s used by deplorables to suggest that they, personally, cannot be sexist because they have daughters. It’s the “some of my best friends are black” line recast for sexism.

Man, I can’t imagine how much better life would be if I had a marble backsplash. I can see myself coming home from work, sitting back and just flicking some red Bordeaux behind the sink. Someday.


saw this at a restaurant yesterday, and was surprised enough to look it up. it’s a trump that apparently works.

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You’re reading into it a whole lot more than I did.

Though to be honest the “As a [insert thing here], [comment]” sentence ticks me off unless [insert thing here] makes your comment more credible. Having four daughters doesn’t increase the credibility of Damon’s statement. Like most people, he uses it to imply that his response is either the objectively correct one or more valuable than responses others had.

I think it’s really more often a figure of speech used to by the speaker to make a personal connection.

At the same time I think that someone could feel minimized as not having daughters they can’t understand it as well. I just wouldn’t indict the speaker without further justification.

No clue in Damon’s case.

But yeah, anyone using it as a defense is poor human excrement.

I think the real question is whether it’s a classic material that will stand the test of time or will be considered cheugy AF within five years like subway tile. It’s a lot easier and less expensive to change out some art or light fixtures than major shit like cabinets and giant marble slabs.

Subway tile has already stood the test of time. Tile that (sorta not really) looks like wood plank is the one that’s going to be regretted.