Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I’ve read this history before.

If you ever grow your own tomatoes at home and eat one side by side with a grocery store tomato, you can see that the evolution of the mass produced tomato has gone a similar route.


Like viruses. You get what you select for. Not what you don’t.

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To be fair, there is probably an elbow just below the floor and sitting probably does put strain on the pipe/brackets underneath as someone sitting could make the horizontal pipe act like a lever.

A fire hydrant weighs between 500 and 800 lbs. I’m pretty sure it’s supported by more than just the elbow.

A shabbily dressed person probably used to sit on that standpipe asking for change. Some people lose their god damn minds if they ever have to see a shabbily dressed person asking for change.


Yeah its 100% this. I can see the argument for keeping fire hydrants unobstructed but somebody sitting there isn’t going to cause a problem in a real emergency.

Hence the word “brackets”. But that’s not a full hydrant, just a pipe with a couple of take-offs.

Anyhoo not a serious topic. It is amusing.

I’m an electrician and you can stand on my 3/4" conduit.

(Also not serious. Please don’t stand on my conduit. Probably could stand on anything > 1 1/4" though.)

Anti-loitering spikes are super common in NYC especially, it’s weird that someone would note them with surprise. Trust that it has nothing to do with the utility of the fire hydrant - its just that the owners don’t want any undesirable hanging around. Although the elaborateness of that particular example is especially eye-rolly. The fire department should make them remove it imo.

They even put these on park benches, believe it or not:


Those “arm rests” are really to make sure you don’t use the bench for too long iykwim

Would like to see a skinny person using those as the frame for a shelter.

The people who complain really suck. The police suck of course, but they know there’s nowhere to take homeless people and will generally leave homeless people alone until there are complaints. There’s someone who has been living on a bench not too far from my house for months. It’s a little out of the way so people don’t complain, but obviously the police know they are there.

Some airport seats are design to prevent you from laying down across them.

If it fits I sits


From that video looks like the other guy swung first. I expect the airlines will get sued even though they guy deserved it

Was the killer a Patriot or a Terrorist?
