Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

“bring your house and share your spouse”

I was on a call with a group of people that are hiring a polling firm to get data on the popularity of a particular possible amendment to the state constitution.

Them: we think our best chances for raising enough funds to get the amendment on the ballot are if we appeal to out-of-state donors. What we want out of this survey is to get a good top-line statistic that shows this initiative is popular.

spend a half hour discussing potential questions to submit to the polling company, rejecting numerous questions as too biased

Me: if all this polling is just for is a headline number that will drive funding support, why are we worrying so much about having unbiased questions?

Them: the consultant won’t do it and I wouldn’t put my support behind it.

My Jeopardy answer is you work for ASU President Michael Crow.

steak-umm appears to still have the same Twitter guy. hope he got a raise

(a dozen posts later)

steak-umm bless




This is what will happen if commies like AOC get their way

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Is that worse than kneeling?


I guess I’m supposed to take the other side here.

What’s your opinion of Shaun King?
  • Grifter
  • Not a grifter
  • I don’t know who Shaun King is
0 voters

I’ve heard the name and a little bit about him, but voted “I don’t know who he is” because I certainly don’t know enough to make a “yes/no” judgment.

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this looks like a standard middle class house

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“middle” class

It’s described as a five-bedroom, 3000-square foot home.

Nothing could be more McMansiony than applique stone + half-timbering + two different patterns of brickwork + a tastefully painted two-car garage.

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oh I get it we’re back to the “people making $200k and jeff bezos are the same” thing

this house way predates mcmansions, that is pretty typical 70s suburban architecture

No, it’s more like expensive house bought by this guy:

King has been dogged for years by allegations of shady dealings in his charitable efforts in movements he has founded — including a lack of transparency in money he has raised for several criminal justice initiatives he has backed.

Samaria Rice — whose 12-year-old son Tamir was shot dead by cops in Cleveland in November 2014 — blasted King on social media, accusing him of soliciting funds in her dead son’s name without her permission and even about his own identity as black or biracial.

I think it’s this home.

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It’s listed as being built in 1986.