Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Consultants realize they’re being paid exclusively to cover the client’s ass, right? Like surely they don’t actually think anyone cares what they say.

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Eh in what I do we mostly aim to provide relevant recommendations and aren’t really the cover-your-ass types, but fucking no one listens to our recommendations anyways so what’s the point. It’s not like they’re ground-breaking recommendations either, like “hey, you guys do this fifteen different ways, consider standardizing it so your results are more consistent” and “hey, your system is highly customized and is 20 years old, consider one of the commercial off-the-shelf options that will provide twice the functionality for half the price.” Hell most of the time our recommendations come from talking to people at the organization and reporting that to management. “We talk to your employees so your management doesn’t have to,” great value prop.

Other Boss is now chiming in with a no-bullshit approach, so we may actually finish before tomorrow after all. I assume he just wants to get back to vacation asap. I support this development.


Not sure which is funnier, Count of Monte Crisco or the idea of Ayn Rand giving writing advice.


Anything by Pat Buchanan lol.

LAX is terrible, but if it wasn’t so terrible those beautiful opportunities to fly out of Burbank wouldn’t be so special.

Entering hour #3 and we’re only on page 5. Other Boss has been driving it since they joined. I’m tapping out soon.


fixed that for you


Initiate a self-starting personal employment initiative synergizing effective communication and efficiency driven solutions to optimize client engagement and streamline bottom line growth while empowering internal stakeholders, imo.

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It’s usually faster to just walk.

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I can’t say I’ve read any of the listed items but Count of Monte Cristo (ha Crisco) is awesome. Aristotle is authoritative but a shit writer at least in translation and overrated as a philosopher.

Yeah, this is what I’ve always done.

atlanta is terrible because during the winter it has a high number of delayed flights, especially regional connections. (charlotte has the opposite summer weather pattern). something about storm/wind that queues up planes on those two runways. it’s better in the summer for some reason. when half the airport is delayed, no amount of efficiency is going to make it feel not like guantanamo. unless you have access to premium lounges/uso obviously, which makes it better for the first 3-5 hours of delays.

lol, he’s not going to make it through half of Strunk and White. scratch that, no true q follower will know how to buy it for him.

As a person who has been both a seller and buyer of professional services, I can assure you that almost all proposals look like this. I heartily lol at the idea of laboriously wordsmithing this stuff the day before the proposal. 99% of readers will skim over the argle bargle to get to the price.



atlanta has more trouble, by far, in the summer than winter, and in any case they generally clear backlogs pretty quickly due to the fact that they have five runways and they can use all of them simultaneously. Operationally, ATL is one of the best, I fly ~140 segments a year on delta, almost all of them connecting itineraries and my rate of misconnecting is considerably lower through ATL than through MSP or DTW and if I do misconnect, recovery options are almost always better if I’m at ATL.

anyway, back to physics nerds,


holy shit, I had heard about this story and knew it was fucked up but it’s REALLY fucked up

Good lord.

Should be “demonstrates”! Also holy fucking god is that some terrible writing. Why would you try to recast a list of bullets about how great you are into a rambling, unreadable pile of gibberish?