Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Yea I think it’s limited to southeastern US. I’ve got family in North Carolina saying most stations near them are empty and those that aren’t have apparently insanely high prices. One picture had a price of 9.99/gal, but idk if that was an actual price or just the owner’s method of showing that they were out of gas (9.99 being as high as the roadside display could go).


TBH I can’t really be mad at someone in this situation:

“If I don’t have gas, I don’t work,” said Ronald Ross, 47, a DoorDash driver in Atlanta, as he fueled up his Chevy sedan.

Asked about government requests to avoid hoarding, he said: “Forget that. It’s first come first serve. People have to look out for themselves. As long as they’re peaceful and all."

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I find it shocking that anyone could not find this absolutely hilarious. The look on his face when the judge first says “You’re name’s NOT Buttfucker 3000” lolol.

If anybody doesn’t find this one funny we can’t be friends:


Man, a younger me would have been hard pressed not to respond to the judge what kind of asshole shows up in court with that terrible haircut.


I bought some chia seeds a while ago but I was afraid they taste funny so I didn’t try them til now. Just threw some in my oatmeal. They’re pleasantly crunchy with not much taste. They have a good amount of protein and fiber. I’m thinking put some on sardines and you’ve really got a superfood meal.

Any other superfoods I’m missing out on?


Chia seeds are also really good in smoothies.


Yeah this is how I use them. Soak them in water for an hour and they really add thickness.

I make my own almond butter and use maca powder to thicken it. I like the flavor too. Make sure to get gelatinized powder, it digests much better.

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Sounds good! I have been trying a few different quick breads. They’re easy and make good deserts. The only unfortunate thing is how many calories they pack.

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When I was a health nut, my smoothies had hemp hearts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, goji berries and maca powder. Sometimes cacao nibs.

Maca powder can be interesting.

Nowadays if I do a smoothie, it’s just spinach, frozen berries and kefir.

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Do you have a machine that you recommend for this?

Here in NH it’s business as usual at gas stations.

but enough about my last marriage folks



Vitamix blender. Pricey, but I got a reconditioned one direct off their site.

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Thanks, Biden.


Umm, can’t god just make more? What’s the point of all the gay bashing if you can’t cash in with the guy when it matters.


@6ix I’ve been reading that food with a basic pH tend to have a metallic or soapy taste. Maybe you have more of whatever receptors on your tongue are sensitive to OH- ions. There aren’t many foods with a high pH. Maybe that’s why?

What do egg whites (pH of 8) taste like to you?