Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

There’s some low-grade panic in my general area. Nothing too crazy yet

I haven’t heard anything about this.

Pump and dump


Maybe I’m late in hearing about this, but am I the only one who’s a little pissed about this “American Women Quarters Program”?

I mean at first I was like, heck yeah, about time!

As authorized by Public Law 116-330—the Circulating Collectible Coin Redesign Act of 2020—the Mint will issue circulating and numismatic quarter-dollar coins with reverse (tails) designs emblematic of the accomplishments and contributions of a prominent American woman beginning in January 2022. Contributions may come from a wide spectrum of fields including, but not limited to, suffrage, civil rights, abolition, government, humanities, science, space, and the arts. The women honored will come from ethnically, racially, and geographically diverse backgrounds.

But then:

The obverse (heads) of coins in this program will continue to feature a likeness of George Washington designed in a manner to distinguish it from the current image.

WTF! They’re putting the women’s portraits on the back side of the coin and leaving the old white guy on the front? Why can’t we just ditch ol’ George and just go with some new blood here?

I guess I should just be thankful that Harriet Tubman will be replacing POS Jackson on the $20 bill at some point (soon I hope).

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Playing Football Manager on the Amstrad colour model :grin: you’d need to record your game on a cassette tape and repeat that around 10 times to make sure it saved and mark the exact spots on the tape counter.

I’d split the baby here and leave George Washington, but change the image so he is wearing lipstick and a sexy dress.


Seems sensible.

Would y’all be for or against allowing gas stations to ‘price gouge’ on the east coast given that this isn’t a natural disaster/etc and people are filling up plastic bags with gas?

What does natural disaster have to do with it? Assholes with money are filling plastic bags full of gas which means assholes with gas stations are going to increase prices so that only the richest assholes can afford to fill their plastic bags while everyone else who could barely afford gas in the first place gets to run out of gas and push their cars around. That’ll teach those hoarders!

The point would be to slow down the obvious panic buying micro.

I think it’s a valid question that doesn’t have a clear answer (at least to me) from any sort of fairness or utilitarian perspective.

Still, what does natural disaster have to do with it? In that case there could be actual shortages and problems with infrastructure making it a better case for raising prices to better allocate use (though still, that just prioritizes people with money getting gas because disparity of wealth is a lot more impactful than disparity in need for gas).

The question is just generally about anti-gouging policies in general and the plastic bags thing is just looking to shift attention from gas station owners/gas suppliers to a small percentage of consumers.

I thought that it not being a natural disaster might change some peoples opinion. Jeez

I still have no idea why I’m supposed to be panic buying gasoline and haven’t seen coverage of whatever the hell is allegedly happening in any reputable news media.

Some big pipeline on the east coast got ransomwared and this has caused supply disruption afaict. How serious? Meh not sure

Giving up and going home after someone failed to turn up at an agreed time.

Leaving work at 5.20pm to be outside the pub door by 5.30pm sharp.

Buying takeaways in the pub at 3pm to take back to someone’s place to fill in the killing hours before opening again at 7pm (Sundays).


The Plastic bag incident was not because of this incident, those tweets were from last year sometime.

But your question is still valid… Imo, it should be cheaper so that the poor are able to get a reasonable supply to also hoard.

Yeah man… How strange is that lol… Its not as if you could just phone them or text to know where they were and in no way was anyone using the phone box just to hear there answer phone kick in.


This is amazing.