Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The concept remains the same but maybe she was being treated fairly and the white people were being treated on the good side of unfairly?

Or every house is worth a zillion dollars, I dunno, I’m out of my element.

Ok so my housing bubble joke didn’t land. Yeah, of course she was being treated unfairly.



The roof is great entertaining space too. If your guests need to pee, it’s only 4 flights down and through the master bedroom to get to the sole bath.


Joseph Crist (Aramaic sp?) at his namesake St. Joseph District Court meeting with Mr. 3000.

Clearly you’ve never worked construction.


There’s a full bath on the kitchen level and those are only half flights.

Is there no master bath then? Or was Zillow just wrong that it has 1 bath?

lmao who are all these jabronies? Mr. 3000 isn’t the only one looking a little off.

And he’s the only one who laughs! Kaitlyn covers her mouth in horror, but good God how jaded are the rest of these people?

The guy not having a clue is hilarious. Imagine the judge saying that shit to you if you were unaware.

Half bath in the bedroom. The Zillow listing seems wrong in lots of ways.

lol and then the panic begins to set in

You do it from the roof onto the people on the sidewalks who probably live in $100k housing. You know, the peons.


It’d still be racist, but it’s like when somebody asks why there aren’t more black billionaires. Racism, duh, but, um, sit down for this one, there aren’t supposed to be any billionaires.

I only have myself to blame though, I’ve spent all my life thinking ‘Haha enslave all the white people!’ jokes are hilarious so I can’t complain if somebody internalized that to mean racial justice is every skin color gets a turn to be shitty.

Not saying the lady wanting a good price for her home is being shitty though; I’ve veered wildly off on a tangent at this point.

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That’s why you only invite over guests that you want to have an orgy with. WHOOPS LOOKS LIKE WE’RE ALL IN THE MASTER BEDROOM AGAIN WEIRD ANYWAY WHILE WE’RE HERE …



This supposedly “underappreciated” revolt has been at the center of the political conversation for many years now. Since Trump’s rise, reporters from elite media organizations have been shipped out to the hinterlands to embed with these new enemies of the elite, to figure out what exactly had happened to America.

Emanuel was one of those things that had happened.

As mayor, he doubled the fees Chicagoans pay for basic water and sewer service, financing a necessary overhaul of city water infrastructure on the backs of working families. He jacked up fines for missing the deadline to renew a city parking sticker on your car, and thousands of paycheck-to-paycheck drivers wound up in bankruptcy as a result. He wielded the city’s perverse “tax increment financing” system to shovel huge sums of public dollars to private investors for projects that often displaced the “ordinary people” of his city, accelerating a two-decade residential exodus for black Chicagoans. He closed half the mental health clinics in his city while spending lavishly to build things geared for the well-to-do. And he shuttered the city’s environmental inspections office, after which lead levels in city drinking water spiked.

Now, having largely failed to become the great statesman he set out to become after disembarking from the Obama administration, Emanuel is keen to lay out a politics of do as I say, not as I do .

It’s been a huge thing on right wing Twitter all day.

People around here are definitely in low grade panic, which is obviously going to become a bit of a self-fulfilling prophesy as a few hoarders will cause shortages that then cause other people to start stockpiling.