Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

It’s not much bigger than the first apartment I bought 30 years ago when I was a poorly paid Health Service worker, in a cheap part of London since gentrified (like Brooklyn), priced at £56,000 (1 bedroom).

EDIT: Fucking hell. Apparently it’s valued at £390,000 now.

I’m endlessly fascinated with the way extremely wealthy or powerful people live in a bubble where they don’t evolve with the times - because no one ever tells them how stupid they look, or are acting.

It’s almost like a self-regulating effect - insuring that the people who look and act like clowns eventually get thrown out on their ears.

Tbh, if that’s the case I wish the’d hurry up and toss the Feckers oot.

Did no one read the link where it was described as a carriage house?

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Responding just to say that I checked out a movie from the library recently and was trying to explain to my wife why I chose it, considering that neither my wife nor I had ever heard of it.

I started out with, “Well, there’s this guy on Unstuck with this avatar” and realized how ridiculous that conversation was going to sound, so I just told her it was a dumb internet thing.


Is Canada like the US where you can figure out who she is if you know where she lives?

Not yet, probably one night this week.

She might be lying. The kind of person who is a self important neighborhood busy body is also the kind of person to wildly exaggerate personal achievement. Like finishing 8th in the national Olympic qualifier becomes “I was an Olympic athlete!”



That’s it ldo

Don’t overlook the possibility that its just a combination of being out of touch and being deep into middle age. 100k apartments were common in Brooklyn not that many years ago. In central Brooklyn you could still find a few in 2014-2015 when I was looking to buy. There’s a billion coops in central and south Brooklyn and those are all working class neighborhoods (or were until recently), the carriage house areas have a pretty small footprint tbh.


Well it might take 1000 years - but it will happen!

Er maybe not since the Brit Royals agreed to give up all their power if they could keep their money and silly costumes.

I did not. And horses pulled the carriages.

Ok, Gif… :see_no_evil:

Gymnastics is a brutal sport that often leaves life long injury


So I arrive early for the Mother’s day get together. Naturally I message “First” into the Group chat.
Verbatim: Dumb internet thing