Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Sounds like the beginning of a 90 day fiancee episode.

Is it okay to be happy if he dies?

Is he a world leader manipulating other people or is he a nurse? LMK when you figure it out.

This bar of yours doesn’t need to be so derogatory.



After being held against her will for months in western Pennsylvania, a woman began scrawling desperate pleas for help on scraps of paper last week, secretly leaving the notes in public bathrooms for others to find whenever she was taken outside.

Cool little investigative piece on the mystery seeds from China that people were reporting last year. Make a guess as to what the explanation is before you read.


I wonder what kinds of restrictions there are on selling plants via Amazon. Sounds like a potential disaster of invasive plants get zipped around the planet.


An attorney for Brewer did not immediately return a request for comment. Brewer declined to speak with local reporters after he posted $500 bail and was released from jail.

Guess kidnapping and raping a women is only $500 worth of bail.

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In case you need help, up top the article gives an amusing list of potential explanations courtesy of the internet:

Here, for instance, are some of the explanations that I saw floated, for the most part not at the rabidly conspiratorial fringes of the internet, but on gardening-group and state-agriculture-department Facebook pages: that the seeds were Chinese bioweapons, laced with viruses or poisons, or that they were engineered through genetic manipulation or nanotechnology (threads picked up in a Tucker Carlson Tonight segment with the chyron could mysterious seeds be biological attack?); that they were part of a “deep state” strategy to control our gardens, or a false-flag operation to discredit China; that they were a Chinese cure for COVID-19 suppressed by Big Pharma; and that they would grow to feed swarms of invasive murder hornets.

I’m going with Murder Hornet food.

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Oliver Daemen will fly in place of an anonymous $28m (£20m) winning bidder of a public auction.

The winner of the auction could not fly on the mission “due to scheduling conflicts”, Mr Bezos’ space venture Blue Origin said.



So what he’s going to space on standby?

loooooool what an absolute baller move

That’s fucking awesome

It will be less awesome when it turns out to be like Putin or something

seems like a false flag. while bezos is in space, there’s a sshort window of opportunity to seize means of production as the richest man on earth.

gates or musk obv

This flooding in Germany seems really, really bad. Over 100 dead and 1000 missing. This picture is insane. This is some permanent-landscape-altering shit.


Yeah, been speaking to a friend a bit further south who has family and friends in the region affected. The worst he knew personally was a family whose garage was flooded and cars carried away in the night, but it sounds devastating. Literally over a thousand still unaccounted for at the moment, though the majority of them are (hopefully) because communications are down and it’s hit rural areas. Yesterday he said a friend who worked for a chain of petrol stations had 10s of stations and employees not contactable.

This is the one thing we didn’t want to happen.

I think the last explanation put forward in the article is both the most likely and the most dystopian. It was also not at all what I expected.

The Fermi Paradox series below is a really fun read.

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