Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Or at least change the thread title to “when grammar nerds attack”


My daughter just set up a coke versus dr. pepper challenge for me and it was even easier than I expected. She poured 5 cups of each, mixed them up, and randomly passed them to me. I was blindfolded. I was 10 for 10 just on smell alone. She mixed them up again and I went 10 for 10 on taste.


Looks like Clovis owes you $100. Good job!


Wait you didn’t mix in cream soda and Diet Faygo? Unscientific!


That’s a hell of a setup for a mixed zoom/in-person meeting. I’d be blown away if I walked into the main conference hall at any tech convention and saw that.


Back in early May I sold 2 identical items on ebay to somebody and shipped them both out in medium flat rate priority boxes, MA to OR. One of them showed up as delivered a few days later, which is pretty good for a non-guaranteed shipping method to the other side of the country. The other stopped showing any updates at all. Got pretty worried that I was going to have to do a refund and eat the loss ($95), but 30 days passed without anybody saying anything so I assumed things worked out somehow and forgot about it.

Decided today to check on a whim and see if anything ever happened with the tracking info.

Questions, I have them.

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Anyone know what’s going on in Cuba? Sounds like large protests:

I was thinking a blind cheese tasting challenge would be more difficult than the soda pop challenge. I could easily tell the difference between Swiss and cheddar, or American and brie, but probably not Swiss and Emmentaler or Parmesan and Romano. The cheese challenge would also be more delicious.

I’ve done similar things with wine before, one time we had six different single-grape-variety red wines, single blinded (i.e. we knew what the wines were but none of us had ever tasted any of them before). From memory the varieties were syrah, cabernet sauvignon, merlot, pinot noir, sangiovese and grenache. I managed 6/6. Compared to that Coke v Pepsi is a joke, I have been drinking Coke all my life, I know exactly what it tastes like. It tastes good and Pepsi tastes like cloying, vanilla-dominant garbage.

In general wine blind tastings are not easy at all though. We only did the varieties one once because people without enough experience are purely guessing, but I’ve done similar things with price points a few times and have done stuff like mistake $12 wine for $100 wine.

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Another thing with wine is that winemaking techniques (particularly a heavy hand by the winemaker) can blur the distinction between varieties. If whoever chose the bottles knew what they were doing and chose bottles that truly represented each grape well, I could probably do it, although I wouldn’t be surprised to still get something wrong. Blind wine tasting is hard imo.

You know how the Emir of Dubai kidnapped one of his daughters a few years back, and has been doing who knows what to her since then? There’s been a few comically awful staged hostage pictures on instagram, and some worried journalists in the UK press have questioned the possible impact on horse racing.

Well, it seems he was able to abduct her from the high seas thanks to the helpful FBI, who forced a US ISP to give up the geolocation info they had of her escape. After that it was just a simple question of getting Indian special forces to do the raid.

Obviously the FBI say they’re the good guys. They thought she had been kidnapped in the first place, you see, so just a tragic mistake of being too trusting. Except that they seem to have done all this ‘off the books’, as it were, and if you think this is the first daughter this fucker has kidnapped and disappeared then you are also a sweet summer child like the cuddly FBI.

There’s a nice part where they ask some ex-CIA source about it, and he says he’s really confused how this could have happened. But then it turns out he’s dumbfounded largely because the UAE should have had the capability to hack all that ISP data anyway, without US help.

(The main report on this is from USA today, but if I post the link to that it gets paywalled.)

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Holy commas!

Best reply:


Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey - the hero we need

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real or onion?

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro hospitalized after 10 days of hiccups

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Some amazing shots in here.


There’s lots more on his website. Kind of annoying that they’re all low res though.

I can see the link, but yeah that’s cancer until proven otherwise. Lots of things it could be other than but still serious shit. Differential also includes stroke, encephalitis, trauma, goiter, pharyngitis… and alcohol.

It’s a shitty differential tbh. Never have had to work it up myself though.

I don’t really understand Russia. Like how is their gdp so small for so many people with vast resources? I get Putin is a crook and it’s run by oligarchs but the us isn’t a whole lot different. I get we aren’t as bad yet but still, blows me away how small their economy is.

Eastern European girls are the best though. I used to go on myfreecams when I was drunk and I got super cool with this Romania girl who even after I stopped going would call me and text me and even added me to her Facebook lol.

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