Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Dickinson was a freak and a very weird dude. A recluse, obsessed with death, religious–poor thing! But because her dashes occurred in poetry, her usage should not enter into a discussion of prose.

Or can we please have this discussion excised and moved to Suzzer’s book thread?

Looks like we’ve found Mason’s account on here.


lol FBI agents. Is there anyone under like 30 who is smart and actually wants to be an FBI agent?

Thats crazy and kind of sad though. The idea of really smart, decent, motivated people working to stop evil shit sounds cool. I’m probably brainwashed by shows like the X-Files, and an institution is always going to be evil and fucked up and authoritarian.

I still hate the FBI way, way less than regular police. Like if I meet an FBI agent I’m not instantly disgusted with them.

there is two conversations going on at the same time: one about WW killing junkies through inaction, but the other grammar conversation is where the true monsters are hiding.

Maybe, I still think the main thing is there needs to be an easy mechanism for accountability. Like civil review board with the ability to fire. Mandatory minimums were an absolutely atrocious thing for civilians, but maybe it would be good for cops. They should face way more consequences than normal people. Adding that on top would help, especially lowering the amount of them.

Sure pediatricians have the ability to kill people, they still have way, WAY less authority than a cop. A cop gets to just walk around and basically order anyone to do almost anything, if your pediatrician acted like a cop you could actually get her in trouble or go to another hospital, you can’t do shit about an evil cop.

I also don’t think its education and money. People become pediatricians to help people, even in the EU where they make less money. They become that more because they want to help people, help kids, with the exception of a few sociopaths. People purely driven by money go into finance etc, way easier jobs than healthcare if you’re in it for the money.

Looks at lawyers, similar education and money but a ton of them are evil sociopaths lol.

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Being a pediatrician takes over 2x as long (after you’re done with college). I don’t think the education is “similar” at all. Sociopaths ain’t got time for that.

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Meh I guess I have no idea what kind of jobs you get out of law school wrt clerkships/internships or whatever, but I doubt you graduate into a full job. You start getting paid and have real responsibilities after 4 years if you’re going to be a pediatrician vs a lawyer after college on the standard track. Pediatricians salaries suck comparatively as attendings, but you’re still looking an auto 100-200% raise when you finish those three years of residency.

It depends on where you go to law school. Pretty much anyone smart enough to get into medical school can get into a top tier law school. If you go into big law after that you’re probably making more than some pediatricians right off the bat. Clerkships are unnecessary, but that’s still normally only a year (sometimes people do multiple).

While the big law job right off the bat doesn’t have “real responsibilities” (the partners are making all the real decisions), it definitely has real income. You’re probably working a lot more than a 80 hrs a week to get it though. And part of the EV is in becoming a partner. If that happens you will blow away any pediatrician in income.

Of course, this is not the path for most lawyers. But it’s definitely one of the more lucrative ones (that involve staying in law) and it’s is open to the vast majority of people who could become pediatricians.

No way. To hate grammar is to hate language. To hate language is to hate ideas, for only through language is it possible to move an idea from my brain meat to your brain meat. No interesting ideas result from solipsism. Therefore: to hate grammar is to hate humanity. How dare you.

p.s. Suzzer, you should spend a couple afternoons and master commas, dashes, semicolons, and refresh the parts of speech. It will pay you back in time ten fold. It will also improve your writing and your reading. Brain meat transfers are incredibly rare and incredibly beautiful. Use every fucking tool you have.


That sounds like a lot of work.

I mean do as I say not as I do, and so on. I’m smoking weed and watching someone else play chess RN.


After getting rid of about ~2/3 of my books a while ago I probably still have 4-6 basic grammar books on the shelf or in my Kindle library. I haven’t learned much from them that has stuck with me, so don’t do either as I say or as I do.

That’s quite a few books. Maybe too many is the problem. Strunk and White and some works sheets should do it. The real hard part is deciding to care when there is enormous social pressure not to care. For a quick check of something there is an adult woman named Grammar Girl who has a good website.

I like that. He uses the space-hyphen-space exactly like I do.

Plus poetry can do whatever it wants. It’s only prose that has to adhere to rules.

Bllsht. Lngg dsnt nd grmmr

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Well I have spent 200k posts refining how to get a point across on message forums. But that might be my problem. I’m like a self-taught tennis player with no fundamentals.

The good news is my defacto sister literally edits self-published memoirs as her job. She’s seen a ton of crappy writing. I have full confidence she’ll straighten up whatever needs straightening when the time comes.

Right, exactly.

Yes, I know, that’s the joke.