Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Update: I earned an A- but was given an A in the class. Sometimes the winning move is not to troll


heh, opposite of something that happened to me in college.

I had this super right wing religious instructor for military history. He’d inject shit like “Alexander the Great was touched by God, that’s why he was so successful,” and other, even more ridiculous and close to fascist shit.

I trolled the shit outta that guy. I argued with him Every. Single. Class. I had written it off (not in my major, anyway) as a surefire C or lower, but was happy to take the hit for the good of the world.

Got an A and was legitimately shocked.


There’s a chance he was happy that anyone cared enough to even engage.

heh, i went to the Air Force Academy. We were ordered to engage.

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Arranged marriages aren’t always a disaster.

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Basically, in the name of fostering unity, Pope Benedict authorized more acceptance of the Catholic Mass under different rules, catering to a vocal minority. Pope Francis has revoked that authorization, climing that doing so created less rather than more unity.

Am I posting this as an oblique comment about bipartisanship in American politics, forum internal politics, or something else? You decide.

Its not like Western society has a very admirable record on successful marriages either.

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My mum told me once that she saw her dad mistreating her mum, and later in life asked her mum why she didn’t leave him. The answer was that she had literally nowhere to go to.

The divorce rate is much higher now than it was then, but a lot of marriages were desperately bad and nowadays would end in divorce.

Not going to fault anyone for not taking on a professor but I feel these psychos going unchallenged for eternity indoctrinating young people is terrible. We disagree about a lot but mad respect


I suppose one good thing about AFA instructors (at least when I was there) is that the vast majority of them were active duty…so they were only there for 3ish years before moving on. I just happened to catch this nutjob.

In our genealogy research we found many 1800 older couples where they are each living with a different family member or otherwise separate. It’s not new. There are just better options now.

Using the en dash both abundantly and in place of the em dash has its own special term that we coined on IRC many years ago in (dis)honor of its notable and most horrific offender. It’s called the the Dids dash.

Looks like is available.

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Did Onlyfans make in-person prostitution toast?

Pretty much no chance. You’ll just see better promos.

Online may hurt live casinos on the margin, but I still think there will be a market for people who want to watch 10 games simultaneously at a sportsbook, handle real cards, chat with real dealers, trash talk people who bet the don’t come line, etc. Not everyone gambles for the ev (or they probably wouldn’t gamble at all, right?) Also casinos have the ability to be resorts, restaurants, and theaters, so they should be able to keep monetizing folks who have 10 minutes to kill playing slots before their dinner reservation or want to blow off steam after a long day at the convention. Individual casinos may become unsustainable, but I don’t think the whole industry will die.

Additionally, I’m not sure that any sites would go just ad-supported. Based on the experience of different poker sites that tried to compete solely on the basis of rake, it’s not clear that players pick a site solely on the basis of ev. Maybe they like the interface better at a certain site. Maybe another site does a better job of gamefying the experience. Not everyone plays just for the ev, so I’m not sure that a smaller house edge would even be enough to completely kill off other online competitors. And maybe some players would rather give up some house edge in order to not have to watch ads.


Well I think he’s still part of a small minority fwiw

People still go the movies, go to ball games, and hire sex workers.

This is amazing