Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Hat tip to the teacher. Most students realize that when the instructor asks for questions, he’d really rather go on to the next topic and follow-ups are less and less likely to get an in-depth response. The effect is that questions are discouraged.

Fatigue, adaptation, and memory are problems.

I wonder if Stugotz can tell the difference between MDR 7506 and good headphones.

Lol film school. Everyone from the top on down is hustling each other. The thread takes some great turns.


Anyone know what the MAGA sphere thinks of her win. I know that for the last several years it has been a bunch of Indian-American kids and the racism was off the charts. I’m not sure if this makes the lawnmowers go higher or not.

Gonna need your judgment on this one. Click through for tweet with relevant content.

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I mean, in the interest of good faith, I’m a proponent of the Oxford comma, as it generally helps clarity. But also, word or clause order is of the utmost! Sometimes commas aren’t enough. The above tweet could have just as well been fixed by clause order.

How would you rewrite the sentence? Here’s what I know of him: his father was a truck driver who raised him alone, then apparently kicked him out(?) He is a gay veteran.


“My name is Joseph C. Rocha, and I’m a gay man, a ten year military veteran who helped overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and the son of a truck driver.”



“My name is Joseph C. Rocha, and I am a gay man, a ten year military veteran who helped overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and was raised by a single dad working as a truck driver.”

Or to keep the original structure as much as possible,

“My name is Joseph C. Rocha, and I’m the son of a truck driver and an addict who died young, a gay man, and a ten year military veteran who helped overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”

The italicized could certainly be rephrased to something much more flattering, but adding something about the other parent makes it sound much less like the subsequent clauses describe parents.

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I somehow got invited to a party with lots of off-duty strippers and only like 4 dudes at a fancy hotel penthouse in Kansas City. The plan was for everyone to do shitloads of E and get crazy. But the E guy didn’t come through, so they got GHB instead. :unamused:

Wound up with strippers puking in the bathtub and toilets while the others held their hair. Such sexytime. Could have literally been the best night of my life.

DO NOT DO THE SECOND CAPFUL, no matter how good the first capful feels.

I passed out on a chair and was fading in and out, when a puke became very imminent. It would have been so ugly - all over fancy anitque-style furniture.

I had my eyes closed but I heard one guy ask my friend, “Is he gonna puke?”, to which my friend replied, “Nah, he’s always good”. That endorsement inspired me to somehow defy every cell in my body and hold the puke in.

But yeah I drove 3 people home 30 minutes later and felt pretty coherent.

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Yeah - I mean alcohol is much the same, the difference is that most people are not like “well I feel great after two bottles of wine, I’d better immediately neck another two bottles” but people do have a tendency to do that with capfuls of GHB. Partly it’s lack of experience with the drug and partly it’s the ease of knocking back a capful compared to the difficulty of pouring tons of alcohol down your throat.

Yeah most drugs if you feel pretty good on one unit, it’s perfectly natural to assume you’re going to feel even better on 2 units. But 2 units of GHB is the yodeling Price is Right guy going over the mountain.

I once did 10 hits of E over a weekend. Definitely diminishing returns, questionable if even fun at some point, and I felt like a lizard-person for two weeks afterwards. Watching the sun go down, then up, then down, then up again - is serious life-questioning time.

What did we do on day 2 of an E-bender? A Trivial Pursuit game that lasted 12 hours - that I could have won after 6 hours except I said Speedy Rodriguez instead of Speedy Gonzales. I think we finally quit the game and no one won.

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A close former friend and his girlfriend took GHB and lots of other stuff regularly while partying…the gf died vomiting in her sleep and suffocating after taking G. I imagine it was just like Jane in BB.

Having said that, it sounds like a lot of fun and I would like to find some myself.


Day 3 is definitely a delineating point for most who don’t really want to poke the bear.

That level of sleep dep can definitely provide moments of clarity that feel like primordial deep cuts.

We’ve all had fellow journeymen that touched the sun way more than we did and I sometimes wonder how their lives turned out.

This was a turning point in the series for me. Impossible to root for Walt at that point without burning out your insides a bit.

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Honestly I understood it. It was still evil but he knew she would destroy and ruin Jesse and as a junky would continue to blackmail Walt forever until she eventually brought him and his family down.

He’s super evil towards the end of the show. But at that point I can kinda understand that for him it was a choice to let her die to protect himself, his family, and probably jesse

He had enough money. That’s the whole

He chose self indulgence over everything else.

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Oh, I see the difference in perception now.

I see it differently. The most likely outcome (assuming he saves her) is Jesse and her get clean. Walt knew that and that’s why he murdered her.

I’m a bit fuzzy on the timeline since it has been a while, but did he have “enough money” when the Jane decision was before him. IIRC, the whole reason he was there was to get the supply to sell to Gus for his first big score.

I’m not saying that him not having “enough money” justifies the Jane decision. I’m really just trying to remember the storyline.

Yeah you’re probably right. That would make more sense.