Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


Great. So, which of the many of the reasonable proposed bets are you agreeing to? You just need to pick one and the fun can resume.

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If one of them wants to actually bet we can negotiate. Nobody has said they want to actually bet.

Can you blame them given your starting point? I guess now that you’ve cleared things up a bit, maybe you’ll get action.

Inca Kola was huge when I lived in a neighborhood with lots of Central American immigrants. Never got around to trying it since I only drink diet sodas.

the world record thing is cool, but this girl can PLAY (she’s #5)


I still think you guys are missing out on the massive +EV available in physics prop bets.


This is doable if you drop Pepsi from the list

I don’t think the terms are unreasonable. They do increase his EV (and I’ve pointed out why) and it’s reasonable to refuse to accept them without an adjustment to the odds.

What about negotiating something other than even-money terms for a simple Coke vs Dr. Pepper taste test?

I’ve only ever looked for it and seen it at a Peruvian place near me. For me it’s like Cuy, I tried it once, glad I did, and no need to ever have it again.

GHB won’t give you a hangover like that. It’s infamous for people being at death’s door in a coma then fine 5 mins later.

The one time I took a substantial dose of it I was at a rave and felt a bit out of it so my friend and I went back to his place. On the way to the exit I wanted to grab every girl i saw. I slept in his spare room and was drifting in and out of sleep. Every time I half woke up there was a couple kissing passionately in the corner of the room. I’d be like “fuck man get a room zzzzz” and drift back off to sleep. When I woke up properly, the “couple kissing” was an ironing board leaning against a cupboard. My brain was wired to interpret everything as sexual.

An ex and I back in my 20s used to take smaller doses of it for sex. Unreal good sex drug, turns you into superman, you can edge indefinitely and feel amazing. Keen to get some more actually but no contacts.

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Yeah it had a bad name in the rave scene, people get messy like bad drunks, plus the dose response curve is like alcohol but smaller amounts. So with alcohol a fifth of spirits will get you raging drunk but three of them will kill you, only with G those amounts are like 10 mL and 30 mL.

Kind of a shame though because it’s good used responsibly, prosocial and prosexual, totally non-toxic as far as anyone knows, less addictive than your average depressant, has an anti-hangover effect where you tend to feel great the day after.

That’s more from a respiratory status POV, people absolutely vomit sometimes after GHB.

I’ve seen people be sick from it acutely for sure, like on the night, but not be messed up the whole next day. But maybe I just haven’t seen enough cases.

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One story about the fucked-up-then-suddenly-fine nature of GHB: I was at a big rave in the bush, not an underground one, fully advertised etc. It was the biggest rave of the year in Adelaide. In the middle of the event some guy is so messed up on G that they clear a space and land a helicopter in the middle of the rave. They are stretchering this comatose guy to the chopper when he suddenly wakes, looks around him, and jumps off the stretcher and runs off into the crowd.


This is not how any actual scientific sensory test works.

Our high school physics class got derailed for 3 days because a redneck would not believe that horizontal motion does not affect vertical motion. Our poor physics teacher had to do more and more elaborate experiments before the guy would believe him.

The redneck went on to become an aircraft engineer so I guess it turned out OK in the end


I mean it sounds like your redneck friend understood the core principles of scientific inquiry. Demanding more elaborate experiments until you’re convinced is basically the whole ballgame.


One night about ten years ago I was at a bar with some friends and only 2 beers in when someone bought a round of test tube shots (lol). The next thing I remember is resurfacing on a bar stool in a different area of the bar and being yelled at by a bouncer claiming I’d been sitting there for hours and the bar was closing. Judging by the times I had indeed been there for about 3 hours. Somehow I managed to stumble home two blocks and crashed and slept through the night, pissed myself, woke up late the next morning with a massive headache. What happened?

straight BALLER