Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The bet isn’t telling coke from Pepsi. It’s telling cola from Dr Pepper. I’m adding the other to reduce blind luck.

+1 to LOL on this bet. Especially on the tester getting to choose seemingly any brand.

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In Nicaragua they vehemently argue which national beer is best - Toña or Victoria. They both taste like water of course.

I joked a couple times that I don’t think any of them could tell the difference in a blind taste test. They did not appreciate the joke, as this rivalry is apparently part of your identity as a Nicaraguan and very serious business.

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Just run Coke vs. Dr Pepper 10x or something.


A decent amount of people itt probably drink one type of pop/soda/whatever, and maybe like, one other type semi regularly? I am pretty confident that most people can tell the drink they drink every day vs one they do not. Now, if you add in another 8 random stuff they haven’t had in years/ever, it’s not easy!

I think I would have like a 55/45 chance in sprite vs 7up.
I would be very confident in Coke v Pepsi.
Root beer has such a wide range of taste it’s too much of a wild card.


For a site full of poker players nobody has negotiated a prop bet before? :grinning:

Yes and we’ve also been a part of players trying to weasel out by changing the rules.


We haven’t established rules :grinning:

What if the goal is to test the proposition as scientifically as possible rather than to find a way to maximize EV of a bet on the test?

Yeah. And no one likes the dude who talks a huge game and then when betting time comes he puts up a list of loltastically unreasonable conditions.


Sure I’m fine with that. My default is to maximize EV.

Let’s see if we can turn everything on this site into a huge fight with lots of insults. :man_shrugging:

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jfc all you have to do is A v B a number of times.

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It is lame to go from “No one can tell the difference between Coke and Dr Pepper” to “you have to go 10/10 in IDing different drinks”


Your proposal is way to hard, but I think just having two known options is too easy. I think I might be able to distinguish between coke and Dr pepper if I knew in advance they were the only two options (still not sure though)

I feel like a decent bet would be one each of cola/dr pepper/root beer/cream soda/ginger ale. Would be about right. You can use your nose but not your eyes. No brand identification ldo, just identify the “type”. All major brands - no bespoke barrel-aged sodas or anything like that. I don’t think many people could do it. Its all just corn syrup flavored.

Sorry, I actually meant that as a serious critique.

It happens all the time.

X: A is defnitely correct
Y: No way, B is definitely correct.

lots of discussion

X: This arguing is dumb. We’re not getting anywhere. I’ll bet you $1000 I’m right
Y: OK fine, but here are the terms: [insert list of unreasonable demands here]

This was like at least 25% of all 22 prop bet discussions.


Of course I didn’t say that.

Anyway. Way to kill a tiny bit of meaningless fun.


That stuff is weird. For those who haven’t had it, this taste description is quite accurate and also its color is probably best described as “nuclear yellow”.

Never seen it around where I live though.


I mean, you said this in response to suzzer saying he could taste the difference between Coke and Dr Pepper. You can still work out a bet with him and I’m sure the forum would enjoy it, but for $100 starting from a ridiculous place is wasting everyone’s time. If you want a super high % chance to win you should be trying to bet $10k, not fun money.

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I don’t think we need to kill the fun. Just go with an “OK, guys, maybe that was a bit much. How about we just do 3 cokes and 3 dps and they have to get them all correct” or whatever.